General Science Mcqs for PPSC/PMS/CSS/ KPSC/SPSC/UPSC/ and other exams...
1 To do flame test you can use a Nichrome wire
2 Firstly Nicrhome wire is dipped in ____ to clean
the wire
3 Cupper ion results in ____ flame Blue
4 Barium ion results in ____ flame Apple green
5 Sr ion results in ____ flame Crimson red
6 Ca ion results in ____ flame Brick Red
7 Na ion results in ____ flame Golden Yellow
8 K ion results in ____ flame Violet
9 Mg ion results in ____ flame Brilliant white
10 Li ion results in ____ flame Red
GK (Geography)
Biggest Countries Area wise. Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil,
Australia, India and Argentina. (RCCU BAI,A)
1 The formula of Washing soda is Na2CO3.10H2O
2 The formula of Soda Ash is Anhydrous Na2CO3
3 The formula of Caustic Soda is NaOH
4 The formula of Mohr’s Salt is (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O
5 The formula of Potash alum KAl(SO4)2.12H2O
6 Normal solution means 1 gm equalent solute
per litter of solution
7 Molar solution means mole of solute per
littler of solution
8 Ppm solution means 1mg of solute in 1kg
of solution
9 Ppb means 1 µg of solute in 1 kg
of solution
10 Formula of Heavy spar is BaSO4
GK (Headquarters of World Organizations)
World Organizations in Brussels, Belgium are NATO(North
Atlantic Treaty Organization), EU (European Union) and WCO (World
Customs Organization)
1 Name and formula of Vitamin A is C20H30O Retinol
2 Name and formula of Vitamin D is C28H44O Calciferol
3 Name and formula of Vitamin E is C29H50O2, Tocopherol
4 Name and formula of Vitamin K is C31H46O2
5 Name and formula of Vitamin C is C6H8O6 Ascorbic acid
6 Name and formula of Vitamin B1 is C12H18N4SOCl2
7 Name and formula of Vitamin B2 is C17H20N4O6 Riboflavin
8 Name and formula of Vitamin B3 is C9H17O5N Pantothenic
9 Name and formula of Vitamin B5 is C6H5O2N Nicotinic
10 Name and formula of Vitamin B6 is C8H11O3N Pyridoxine
11 Name and formula of Vitamin B12 is C63H88O14N14PCo
GK (Headquarters of World Organizations)
World Organizations in Vienna, Austria are OPEC(Organization
for Petroleum Exporting Countries), IAEA (International Atomic Energy
Agency) , UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) and
UNIDO(United Nations Industrial Development Organization
1 Water soluble vitamin are Vitamin B and C
2 Fat soluble vitamin are Vitamin A,D,E,K
3 Deficiency of Vitamin B1 causes Beriberi
4 Deficiency of Vitamin C causes Scurvy
5 Deficiency of Vitamin D causes Rickets
6 Deficiency of Calcium causes Bone and tooth decay
7 Deficiency of Iodine causes Goiter
8 Deficiency of Iron causes Anemia
9 Deficiency of Vitamin A causes Night blindness
10 Which vitamin helps in blood clotting Vitamin K
GK (Headquarters of World Organizations)
World Organizations in New York, USA are UNO(United Nation
Organization), UNW (United Nations Women), UNIS(United Nations
International School), UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) and
UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund).
1 Nylon is a copolymer of Hexamethylenediamine
and adipic acid
2 Which can be synthesized from Arul Diazonium
3 Halogen (Halo-group) are Deactivating and O,P-
4 Antifreeze compound used in cars is Ethylene glycol
5 The reaction of tripalmitin, with sodium
hydroxide is called
6 The reaction of aniline with bromine water gives p-bromoaniline
7 When ____ is treated with Grignard reagent
product is tertiary alcohol
8 When ____ is treated with Grignard reagent
product is Secondary alcohol
9 When ____ is treated with Grignard reagent
product is Primary alcohol
10 Ketones can be prepared by reaction of Grignard
reagent with
Acid Chloride
GK (Islamyat) Shab-e-Miraj
On 27th Rajab Our Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) was first taken from Masjid al-
Haram,Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsa, Jerusalem. While traveling the 7 heavens, He
(SAWW) met important Prophets as on 1 Heaven He (SAWW) met Prophet st
Adam (AS), onsecond with Prophet Yahua (AS) and Prophet Isa (AS), 3
Prophet Yusuf (AS), 4 with with th Idris (AS), 5th Musa’s brother, Prophet
Haroon (AS), 6 Prophet and on Heaven He (SAWW) met with th Musa 7
Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) near Bayt al-Mamur.
1 Which functional group is present in polyester
2 The equilibrium of two readily interconvertible
isomers is called
3 The order of reaction may be zero, one or in
fraction. But also it must be a ____ integer
4 The most commonly used absorbent for
chromatographic separation of organic compound
Fuller’s Earth
5 Calcium Carbide reacts with water to give Acetylene
6 Rust is Fe2O3 + Fe(OH)3
7 Urea is a high quality nitrogenous fertilizer with
___ nitrogen
8 Brass is an alloy of Cu and Zn
9 Bronze is an alloy of Copper and tin
10 Nichrome is an alloy of Ni, Cr, Fe and other
trace elements
GK (Geography)
China is bordered by 14 countries: Afghanistan, Bhutan, India,
Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal,
Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Vietnam.
1 d-block elements form coordination compounds
because of
Unfilled d-orbitals
2 Oxidation number of S in sulphuric acid is six
3 Bauxite is an Ore of Aluminum
4 There is a large positive entropy change for an
exothermic reaction. It means that the reaction
will be
possible at low
temperatures only
5 When Zn metal is kept in CuSO4 solution, copper
is precipitated and ZnSO4 is formed because
Standard reduction
potential of Zn is less
than that of copper
6 The probability fo finding the electron in the
nucleus is
Zero for all orbitals
7 When an electron is brought from infinite distance
close to the nucleus of the atom, the energy of
Electron-nucleus system?
Decreases to a
greater negative
8 The ionization energy of magnesium is 738, 1450 kj/mol
9 Alkali metal do not react with ___ directly Carbon
10 The ionic size of calcium is 197,99pm
GK (Geography)
There are only two Double Landlocked countries. The first is
Liechtenstein in Europe and second is Uzbekistan in Asia.
1 Particles of colloids are big enough to scatter the
beam of light called
Tyndall effect
2 Diethyl ether has freezing point -1160
3 The energy required to break the bond between
hydrogen and chlorine in hydrogen chloride is
4 Neutron was discovered in Chadwick in 1932
5 To determine the age of carbon containing
products the radio activity of ___ isotope is
6 Shell N has sub shells Four
7 The symbol of thiosulphate is S2O3
8 Silicon forms ___ percent of earth 28%
9 Which one of the following reducing agents
reduces the aromatic nitro compounds to amines
10 The amount of heat energy require to raise the
temperature of 1gram of water by 10C is called
GK (National)
There are only two Nobel laureates. One is Dr Abdus Salam in 1979. He
wins noble prize in Physics jointly to Sheldon Glashow and Steven Weinberg
for their contributions to the theory of the unified weak and electromagnetic
interaction between elementary particle, including inter alia, the prediction of
the weak neutral current. And 2nd is Malal Yousafzai peace prize in 2014 jointly
to Kailash Satyarthi for their struggle against the suppression of children and
young people and for the right of all children to education.