General Science Mcqs for PPSC/PMS/CSS/ KPSC/SPSC/UPSC/ and other exams...

General Science Mcqs for PPSC/PMS/CSS/ KPSC/SPSC/UPSC/ and other exams...


1 Triglycerides are easily hydrolyzed by enzymes 



2 A “breath test” used by traffic police to check 

drunken driving uses




3 What is the chemical name of the compound copper i carbonate

4 The nitrogenous base different in RNA as 

compared to DNA is


5 Nucleic acids were first demonstrated in Pus cells

6 Purines and pyrimidine’s are Nitrogenous bases

7 Enzyme proved useful in cancer treatment is L-asparaginase

8 The rate of enzymatic reaction is directly 

proportional to concentration of


9 Enzymes that catalyze the transfer of groups 

within a molecule are called


10 Milk is a poor source of Vitamin C 

1 In H-bomb, which reaction take place Fusion of deuterium 

into Helium

2 Which reaction take place in atomic bomb Fission reaction

3 Which reaction take place in sun Fusion of deuterium 

into Helium

4 What are standard unit of radioactivity Curie, 1curie=3.7x1010

disintegrations per 


5 What are SI unit of radioactivity Becquerel


6 Which rays have higher penetrating power Gamma rays

7 What is charge on alpha rays Positive

8 What is charge on beta rays Negative

9 What is charge on gamma rays No charge

10 What is charge on X rays No charge

11 Who discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity H. Becquerel in 1898

12 Who discovered nuclear fission Otto Hahn in 1938 

1 Part of sphere responsible for mass transfer Atmosphere and 


2 There are how many layers of atmosphere Four layers 



Stratosphere and 


3 Troposphere extended from 0-12km

4 Stratosphere extended from 12-50km

5 Mesosphere is extended from 50-85km

6 Thermosphere extended from 85-120km

7 Which gases causes acid rain NO2 and SO2

8 Why the sky appears completely black when 

viewed from the moon. 

Because moon has no 


9 Rarest element on earth is Astatine

10 A glass often crack when hot water is poured over 

it due to

Expansion of inner 


11 How much sodium Chloride is present in average 

adult human body


12 Solid carbon dioxide is called dry ice. It exist at 




GK (Planets with sequence)

 Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

(M – VEM – J - SUN). 

1 Whose is regarded as father of modern Chemistry Lavoisier

2 Which substance is used to produce artificial rain Silver Iodide

3 Human bone does not contain a)Ca b)C c)Oxygen 



4 Oil of vitriol is Sulphuric Acid

5 Bleaching action of Chlorine is ____ reaction. Decomposition

6 The hottest part of the gas flame is known as Non-luminous zone

7 The method of concentrating the ore which 

makes use of the difference in density between 

ore and impurities is called


8 The first metal use by man was Copper

9 From which mineral is radium obtained Pitchblende

10 The main active constituent of tea and coffee is Caffeine


 Permanent members of UNO are France, America, Britain, 

Russia and China (FABRiC) 

1 Which of the following is used in beauty parlors

for hair setting


2 The most Malleable metal is Gold

3 The metal that is usually extracted from sea 

water is


4 Gobar gas contains mainly Methane

5 Which of the following is non-metal that remains 

liquid in room temperature


6 The human body is made up of several chemical 

elements; the element present in the highest

proportion (65%) in the body is


7 In with activities Silicon Carbide is usually used? Cutting very hard 


8 The most abundant d-block metal is Fe

9 The most abundant s-block metal is Ca

10 The first man made element is Technicium Tc-43

GK (General Science)

 Atomic particle discovered by

 Ruther ford Thomas Chadwick

 Proton Electron Newton 

1 Element kept in water Phosphorous

2 Elements kept in Kerosene 1A group elements

(except Li)

3 Hardest naturally occurring element is Diamond

4 Poorest conductor of electricity is Diamond

5 Metal showing highest oxidation state Os (+8)

6 Which are the non-metals having metallic luster Graphite and Iodine

7 Most poisonous element Pu (Plutonium)

8 Best electricity conductor among non-metals Graphite

9 Best electricity conductor among metals Ag

10 Examples of Amphoteric oxides are Oxides of Be, Al, Zn, 

Pb, Sn, Sb and As

GK (History)

 The four war won by Babur, order is Panipat(1526), 

Khanwa(1527), Chander(1528) and Skirt(1529). (PK CS)  

1 Total number of radioactive elements in periodic 

table are


2 Rarest element on earth At (astatine)

3 Most stable carbonate is Cs2CO3

4 Strongest alkali is CsOH

5 Total number of gaseous elements in periodic 

table is

11 (H, N, O, F, Cl, He,

Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn)

6 Group containing maximum no. of gaseous 

elements in periodic table

Zero group

7 Total number of liquid elements in periodic table 

(at 300


6 (Br, Hg, Cs, Fr, Ga 

and Uub)

8 Liquid element of radioactive nature (at 300

C) Fr

9 Color of fluorescence produced by cathode rays 

depends upon

Composition of gas

10 The atomic number of an element having 

maximum number of unpaired electrons in p-

subshell is


GK (International)

 Trick to remember Currency “DOLLAR” (A NeLi CaFi TEA) 

A=America, Ne=New Zealand, Li=Liberia, Ca=Canada, Fi=Fiji, 

T=Taiwan, E=Ethiopia and A=Australia. 

1 In Chromatography, the stationary phase can be Solid or liquid

2 In chromatography, the mobile phase can be Liquid or gas

3 Gas chromatography can be performed in which


Only columns

4 In reverse phase chromatography, the stationary

phase is made of


5 In chromatography, locating agent used for 

locating of amino acids is


6 The term Chromatography was coined by Mikhail Tsvet in 1900

7 Which technique is used for separation of volatile 


GC (Gass 


8 Gases usually used as carrier gas in GC Inert Gases like noble 

gases, N2 etc

9 Which gas is not used as carrier gas in GC CO2

10 Which technique is used to separate the colored 

pigments from plants?


GK (International)

 Trick to remember Currency “DINAR” (KS in JAIL) K=Kuwait, 

S=Sudan, J=Jorden, A=Algenria, I=Iraq and L=Libya. 

1 Which of the following decays represents the

decay of Uranium-238 to thorium-234

Alpha decay 

(emission of helium 


2 Which of the following material is used to make

control rods in a nuclear reactor

Indium, Boron, silver 

or cadmium

3 What is the Gibbs Energy of a cell -nFE

4 Who discovered Nitrogen? Rutherford

5 What do we call the molar conductivity when the 

concentration approaches zero

Limiting molar 


6 Which of the chemicals is used to dissolve the

soap to make a transparent soap?


7 Which is the most common variety of coal Bituminous

8 Which one of the following is also called as 

stranger gas


9 What is used as a sowing agent in the preparation

soft drinks?

Phosphoric acid

10 Why soaps do not work in hard water? Because Ca and Ma 

form insoluble scum 

in water with soap

GK (International)

 Trick to remember Currency “EURO” (BIG FAN MISS P) 

B=Belgium, I=Ireland, G=Germany, F=France, A=Austria, 

N=Netherland, M=Malta, I=Italy, S=Spain, S=Slovenia and P=Portugal. 

1 The relationship between standard cell potential 

and free energy is given by





2 Ozone filter out radiation below 30000


3 The health effect caused by lead? Neuorozin

4 Acute toxicity is expressed by the term LD50

5 The smog is essentially caused by the presence of Oxides of sulphur and 


6 The Carbon dioxide content in atmosphere is 0.034/%

7 Photo chemical smog is caused primarily by NO2

8 For an average exposure of 8 hours per day, the 

maximum permissible concentration limit of CO in 

the atmosphere is


9 Solar energy, mainly light originates from sun due 




10 Which particle is the most essential component to 

continue the chain reaction during uranium 



GK (International)

 Trick to Remember Currency “PESO” (MAC CPU) M=Mexico,, 

A=Argentina, C=Chile, C=Columbia, P=Philippines and U=Uruguay

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