General Science Mcqs for PPSC/PMS/CSS/ KPSC/SPSC/UPSC/ and other exams...

General Science Mcqs for PPSC/PMS/CSS/ KPSC/SPSC/UPSC/ and other exams...

1 The quantity of energy transferred from one 

system to another is known as

Thermodynamic work

2 Internal energy of a system is the energy 

contained within the system and ___ include ___ 

of the system due to its motion.

Does not, kinetic 


3 If Q denotes heat supplied to the system and W 

denotes work done by the system, then change in 

internal energy when the system undergoes a 

change from one state to another is


4 pH is abbreviation of Power of Hydrogen

5 The average human body contains about ___ 

gram of NaCl.


6 Each day human body breathe in ___ liters of air. 15,000 to 20,000

7 The best soil pH value for most crops and plants is 6.5

8 Over ___ of the elements in the periodic table are 



9 KHSO4 is a/an Acid

10 The major component of troposphere is Nitrogen

GK (Islamiat) Mahr

 Haq Mahr is the main aspect of Nikah and it is mandatory for the groom 

to give it to the bride. The mahr of some Ummahatul Mominin are as follows: 

1.Hazrat Khadija R.A 500 dirham, 2.Hazrat Saudah R.A 400 Dirham, 3. Hazrat 

Aysha R.A 400 Dirham, 4. Hazrat Umm Salmah R.A 10 Dirham and some goods, 

5.Hazrat Zainab bint Khuzaima R.A 500 dirham, 6.Hazrat Zainab bint Jahesh R.A 

400 dirham7.Hazrat Umm Habibah R.A 400 Dirham, 8.Hazrat Juveria R.A 400 

Dirham (Seeratul Mustafa Vol. 3, Zikr Azwaj-e-Mutaharat) Allah (Subhana wa Ta’ala) knows 


1 Solve the EAN value of Fe(CO)5 36

2 In complex compounds the oxidation number is 

written in

Roman numeral

3 In pig iron the concentration of C-atom is 2.5-4.5%

4 The requirement of macronutrient per acre of the 

land is

5 to 200kg

5 Three elements needed for healthy growth of plants 



6 The residence time of methane in the atmosphere is 3-7 years

7 The yellow color in photochemical smog is due to 

presence of

Nitrogen dioxide

8 In purification of potable water, the coagulant used 



9 Newspaper can be recycled again and again how 

many times


10 The main pollutant of leather tanneries in the 

wastewater is

Chromium IV

GK (Geography)

 A Landlocked country is a country that does not have territory 

connected to an ocean. There are currently 44 landlocked countries in 

the world. Kazakhstan is the world’s largest landlocked country. 

1 Micro-nutrients are required in quantity ranging 

from ____ per acre


2 Legnin is an ___ polymer and causes paper to 

become brittle


3 Cement was first introduced by an English mason Jaseph Aspdin

4 Which substance is usually used for disinfecting 


Chlorine or KMnO4

5 Chlorination of water may be harmful if the water



6 Which can be used as water disinfectant to avoid 

the formation of toxic compounds

Ozone or ClO2

7 The main product of bacterial action is NO

8 If electricity is passed through a CuSO4 solution by 

using a Pt electrode then which possible change 


color of the solution 

becomes fade

9 Cell which is not rechargeable Silver oxide cell

10 Which of the following is true in the case of the 

Zn-Cu cell

Zinc acts as an anode 

and copper as a 


GK (South America)

 South America is the fourth largest continent in the world and 

has twelve sovereign countries and two non-sovereign areas. Of these 

countries in South America there are two countries that are 

landlocked: Bolivia and Paraguay. 

1 Secondary cell is Rechargeable

2 The temperature for the measurement of standard 

electrode potential is


3 Capacity of one lead accumulator cell is 2 volts

4 Lead accumulators are Secondary cell and 

voltaic cell

5 Density of H2SO4 in lead accumulator is 1.25g/cm3

6 H2 gas in SHE is filled at pressure of 760mm of Hg

7 Percentage of sulphuric acid in the lead 

accumulator is


8 The reduction potential of Zn is -0.76

9 Vapor pressure of water at 100 degrees is 760mmHg

10 Liquid crystal was discovered by Fredrick Reintzer

GK (Geography)

 Russia is bordered by 14 countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, 

Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, 

Mongolia, Norway, Poland and Ukraine. 

1 Each solid conductor is malleable except Graphite

2 The addition of a catalyst to the reaction system Increases the rate of 

forward as well as 

backward reaction 


3 The specific rate constant of a first order reaction 

depends on


4 On increasing the temperature the rate of reaction 

increases mainly because

Collision frequency 


5 Which order of reaction obeys the relation t1/2 = 





6 Energy of reactant higher than energy of product 



7 Greater the concentration of reactant Greater will be dx/dt

8 The substances that reduce the effectiveness of a 

catalyst are called

poisoning catalysts

9 Co-enzymes are Non-proteineous

10 A substance which increases the reactivity of 

enzyme is called


GK (Noble Prize)

 Noble prizes are presented in Stockholm, Sweden, at annual 

Prize Award Ceremony on 10 December, the anniversary of Nobel’s 

Death Alfred. And Noble Peace prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway. 

1 Addition of tetraethyl lead in petrol is example of -ve catalysis

2 Energy of activation for backward reaction is less 

than forward reaction for ___ reaction


3 When a product acts as a catalyst then it is called Autocatalysis

4 End name of enzyme ase

5 The unit of slope in Arrhenius plot to calculate the 

energy of activation is


6 Carbonates of lithium are not stable like that of 

sodium due to

Low electro positivity

7 Nitrates of which pair of elements gives different 

products on thermal decomposition

Li , Na

8 Among the halogens the rare element is Astatine

9 The color of chlorine gas is Greenish yellow

10 The most powerful oxidizing agent among the 

halogens is


GK (PakAffairs) SIM

 Jazz (Merged former Mobilink and Warid) is a compny of Egypt. 

Telenor is the company of Norway. Zong is by China. Ufone is national 

Pakistani SIM and SCOM in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit BAltistan only. 

1 The halogen which reacts spontaneously with gold 

(Au) to form Au+3 is


2 Bromine can be liberated from KBr solution by the 

action of


3 Bleaching powder is an example of Mixed salt

4 Which oxides of iodine is used for quantitative 



5 Which of the halogen can displace the other three 

elements of halogen


6 The chemical formula of sodium hypochlorite is NaClO

7 Photographic plates are coated with a thin film of AgBr

8 The anhydride of HClO4 is Cl2O7

9 Which halogen is present in Teflon F2

10 Which is the paramagnetic oxide of chlorine ClO2

GK (Computer)


1st Generation of computers uses acuum Tubes. 2nd V uses 

ransistor, 3rd ntegrated Circuit, 4th icroprocessor and 5th T I M Artificial 

Intelligence. VTI MA 

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