“Age of Chaucer” Quiz

 “Age of Chaucer” Quiz 

1- Between which sets of dates did Chaucer live





2-Chaucer lived during the reigns of

A-Edward III, Richard II, and Henry IV

B-Edward III

C-Edward II

D-Edward I

3- Which of the following was the closest contemporary of Chaucer?

A- William Langland

B- Wycliffe

C-John Barbour

D-John Gower

4-Who called Chaucer” the father of English poetry”?




D-John Gower

5-Who described Chaucer as” The Well of English Undefiled”?

A- Spenser

B- Pope 



6-”With Chaucer is born our real poetry” Who holds this view?

A-Matthew Arnold

B- Spenser



7-” Chaucer found his native tongue a dialect and left it a language” Who makes this 



B-I. A Richards

C-F. R Leavis

D-Walter Pater

8-” Chaucer is the earliest of the great moderns” Who holds this view?

A-Matthew Arnold

B-T. S Eliot

C-Ben Jonson


9-” If Chaucer is the Father of English poetry, he is the Grandfather of the English Novel” Who 

makes this remark?

A-G. K Chesterton

B- Ruskin

C- Walter Pater


 10-Who says about Chaucer’s Characters” Here is God’s Plenty”?


B- Dr.Johnson



11-In which month did Chaucer’s Pilgrims go on their pilgrimage?


B- May

C- January

D- August

12-How many pilgrims in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales are going on the Pilgrimage?





13-How many pilgrims in the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales represent the knighthood class?


B- Four

C- Five

D- Seven

14- How many ecclesiastical characters are portrayed in the Prologue?



C- Four


 15-How many women characters’ figure in the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?

A- Three

B- Four

C- Seven


16-It is believed that the Host at the Inn was a real man. What is the name of the Host?

A-Harry Baily

B- Horney Baily

C- Hoary Baily

D-Henry Baily

17-What is the name of the Inn where the Pilgrims assemble for the night?

A- Tabard Inn

B- Temple Inn

C- Southward Inn

D-St. Becket Inn

18-To which shrine are the pilgrims going?

A- Shrine of St. Thomas a ’Becket at Canterbury

B- Shrine of St. Lucas at Jerusalem

C- Shrine of St. Agnes at Canterbury


19-One of the Tales in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales is in prose. Which of the following?

A- The Parson’s Tale

B- The Knight’s Tale 

 C-The Monk’s Tale

D-The Pardoner’s Tale

20-One of the portraits in the Prologue is that of the Wife of Bath. What is Bath?

A-The name of the ton to which she belonged

B- The name of her husband

C-The surname of the lady

D- The Christian name of the lady

21- “He was as fresh as the month of May” This line occurs in the Prologue. home does this line 

refer to?


B- Friar


D- Doctor of Physic

22-One of the following works is not a work of Chaucer. Which one?

A- The Owl and the Nightingale

B-The House of Fame

C-The Legend of Good Women

D-The House of Rose

23-Which of the following is Chaucer’s prose work?

A- Treatise on the Astrolabe

B- Troylus and Cryseyde

C- The Legend of Good Women

D- The House of Fame

24- Which of the following poets wrote a famous poem mourning the death of Chaucer? 

 A- Occleve in The Governail of Princes

B- Lydgate in Falls of Princes

C-James I of Scotland in The King’s Chair

D- William Dunwar in The Thistle and the Rose

25-Chaucer was not indebted for his sources to one of the following, identify him

A- Homer

B- Virgil

C- Dante


26- In which tale of Chaucer a daughter is killed by her father

A-The Physician Tale

B- The Monk Tale

C- The Clerk’s Tale


27-Chaucer’s —–is based in part on a notable French Sermon of Friar Laurens.

A-Person’s Tale

B- Doctor’s Tale

C-Monk’s Tale


28- Who has been called the morning star of the Renaissance?


B- Langland



 29-Which work of Chaucer was an allegory on the death of Blanche, the wife of his patron.

A-The Book of Duchess

B-The House of Fame

C-The Parliament of Fouls

D-Legend of Good Women’s

30-Which of Chaucer’s work has the Trojan war as its background?

A-Troilus and Cryseyde

B-The Book of Duchess

C-The House of Fame


Q1: What are the major works of Chaucer?

Answer: 9 major works of Chaucer is mentioned below:

• The Book of the Duchess

• The House of Fame

• Anelide and Arcite

• Parlement of Foules

• Translation of Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy as Boece

• Troilus and Criseyde

• The Legend of Good Women

• The Canterbury Tales

• Treatise on the Astrolabe

Q2: How many Short poems are written by Geoffrey Chaucer?

Answer: 16 short poems of Chaucer is in record. These are following:

• Balade to RosemoundeAn ABC

• The Complaint unto Pity

• The Complaint of Chaucer to his Purse

• The Complaint of Mars

• The Complaint of Venus

• A Complaint to His Lady

• The Former Age

• Fortune 

 • Gentilesse

• Lak of Stedfastnesse

• Lenvoy d Chaucer a Scogan

• Lenvoy de Chaucer a Bukton

• Proverbs

• Balade to Rosemounde

• Truth

• Womanly Noblesse

Q3: Whose book Chaucer translated into English prose?

Answer: Chaucer was greatly influenced by Latin book of Boethius, “The Consolations of 

Philosophy” and he translated it into English Prose. Chaucer also used the philosophy of 

Boethius in The House of fame, Troilus and Criseyde and the Knight’s Tale.

Q4: What is the important rhyming stanza that Chaucer introduced in poetry?

Answer: The “Rhyme Royal” is a stanza of seven lines in iambic pentameter with a rhyming 

scheme of ababbcc.

Q5: On Whose death Chaucer wrote The Book of Duchess?

Answer: The Book of Duchess is a dream allegory and it was written after the death of Blanche, 

the duchess of Lancaster as mourning.

Q6: Who wrote The Canterbury Tales and in which year?

Answer: Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales sometimes around 1387 A., the 

uncompleted manuscript was published in 1400.

Q7: Who in rage tells the story about a Miller?

Answer: Reeve who was once a carpenter got offended by Miller’s tale and in rage, he tells the story of a Miller called Simpkin.

Q8: Who tells the story of a white crow?

Answer: The Manciple tells the story of a white crow whose owner in fury plucks all the 

feathers of the crow and threw it “unto the devil” and this is the reason crows are now black. 

 Q9: What is “Beast Fable” and in which tale Geoffrey Chaucer used in The Canterbury 


Answer: Beast Fable is a kind of Animal Tale, in which animal characters are presented as having human feelings and Chaucer used it in “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”.

Q10: Who called Prologue to The Canterbury Tales “The Prologue to modern fiction and 


Answer: Henry Wadsworth Long an American poet called it the “Prologue to modern fiction” because of its Narrative unity. 

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