Environmental Chemistry Mcqs For BS/MSc/MA/Mphil/Phd/CSS/PMS/PPSC/FPSC..


Environmental Chemistry Mcqs For BS/MSc/MA/Mphil/Phd/CSS/PMS/PPSC/FPSC..

76. Heavy metals have their density greater than _______

a.5g/cm3 b.6g/cm3 c.4g/cm3 d.7g/cm3

Answer. A

77. Chlorosis disease found in _____ by the heavy metals

a.Animals b. Plants c. Humans d.Fishes

Answer. B

78. Lead and Mercury may cause

a.joint disease b.lung damage c. Cancer d. Hypertension 

Answer. A

79. plants from polluted soils contain ________?

 A)_ heavy metals

B)_ non metals

C)_ alkali metals

D)_ all of these

Correct ans A

80. ____ is the technique in which heavy metals can be removed from the contaminated water food and air

A)-chemical precipitation

B)_physical precipitation

C)_ both a and b

D)_ none of these

Correct ans A

81. Dementia and Alzheimer’s is caused by uptake of _.

a) Arsenic 

b) Aluminum

c) Chromium 

d) Both b and c

Answer. b

82. Slowly accumulation of heavy metals cause which type of toxicity.

a) Acute

b) Chronic

c) Both

d) None of these

answer. b

83. Cancer is caused by uptake of heavy metal.

a) Arsenic 

b) Chromium

c) Cadmium

d) Both a and b

answer. D

84. Heavy metals, counted as; mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium and

A. Carbon

B. Arsenic

C. Oxygen

D. Helium

Answer B

85. Cd' causes endocrine disruption in; 

 A. Fishes

B. Seals

C. Whales

D. Silver sea breams

Answer D

86. In sea, dissovled mercury ions are easily absorbed in;

A. Plants

B. Sediments

C. Animals

D. Fats

Answer B

87. Which metals forms part of the haem group to which oxygen binds in hemoglobin?





Answer C

88. Uptake of contaminants also accelerate by use of_________.





Answer D

89. Which of them are heavy metal.




d)All of these

Answer D

90. Chlorosis, leaf rolls and blight are the diseases cast in plants by:

A) heavy metals

B) enzymatic defect 

C) Carcinogenicity

D) Aerosols

91. Which of them are heavy metals:

A) Copper

B) Selearium

C) Zinc

D) All of these

92. Which heavy metal in low concentration causes the adverse effect:

A) Pb

B) Zinc

C) Fe

D) Oxygen

93. Slow accumulation of the heavy metals in the body is: 

 A) acute toxicity of metals

B) chronic toxicity of metals

C) biodegradable process

D) soil erosion

94. The traces of heavy metals present in the atmosphere gets enter into the body by using:

A) Contaminated water

B) Breathing in the polluted Air

C) By soils having the heavy metals

D) All of the above

95. Which of the following reactions is inhibited by the action of lead?

a. Formation of RBCs

b. Formation of WBCs

c. Formation of platelets

d. formation of bilirubin

Answer. A

96. Detoxification is the process in which _____ are removed from the body 

a. Free radicals 

b. Oxidants 

c. Reductants

d. All

Answer. B

MCQs Group-9

th Insecticides

97. Insecticides affect the nervous system of the target pests by disrupting the enzymes activity? 

a. Glycogenase 

b. Acetyl Co A 

c. Acetylcholinesterase

d. Dehydrogenase 

Ans :c 

98. Which is incorrect statement about pesticides 

a. Pesticides are substances that are used to kill pests 

b. Insecticides are used to control insects 

c. Pesticides save farmers by protecting crops 

d. Pesticides are used to diagnose human diseases 

Ans :d 

99. What compounds can be used as pesticides? 

a. Arsenic 

b. Mercury 

c. DDT 

d. All of these 

Ans :d 

100. pesticides are substances that are

a. Used in agriculture 

b. Use in Public health care 

c. To protect plants from pests 

d. All of these 

Anc :d 

101. The most common used pesticides which is almost 80% used among all pesticides 

a. Herbicides 

b. Fungicides 

c. Insecticides 

d. All of these 

Ans :a 

102. Dichlone is a fungicide & algicide of which class? 

a. Phenols 

b. Quinone 

c. Hydroquinone 

d. Both b&c 

Ans :b 

103. Biological control of pests is 

(a) Polluting 

(b) Highly expensive 

© Self perpetuating 

(d) Toxic 

Ans. © 

 104. A natural insecticide obtained from plants is 

(a) Azadirachtin 

(b) Rotenone 

© Nicotine, Pyrethrum and cinerin 

(d) All these 

Ans. (d) 

105. This weed has been eradicated by biological control (a) Chrysanthemum (b) Cactus 

© Parthenium 


Answer: (b) 

106. This is an effective plant insecticide (a) Nicotine (b) Cinerin 

© Pyrethrin 

(c) All of these 

Answer: (d) 

107. Pesticides cause 

(a) Noise pollution 

(b) Air pollution 

© Acquatic pollution 

(d) None of these 

Ans. ©

MCQs Group-6


 Effect of pollution on marine life

108. Which is the most input of waste causing marine pollution? 

a) Pesticides 

b) Pipes directly discharge waste into the sea 

c) Death of aquatic organisms 

d) Climatic conditions 

Answer. b 

109. Why ship accidents cause marine pollution? 

a) Because if the ship carrying passengers to collapse it results in the death of many people 

b) Because ship is very huge in its size 

c) Dredged material which carries heavy metals cause marine pollution 

d) Ship materials stuck inside the marine organisms 

Answer. c 

110. Which of the following is the greatest volume of waste discharge to water? 

a) Spillage from oil pipelines 

b) Sewage 

c) Nuclear waste 

d) Spillage from tankers 

Answer. b 

111. When does the rate of aerobic oxidation reduced in the sewage that is reduced to the water? 

a) When oxygen concentration falls below 1.5 mg/l 

b) When oxygen concentration falls below 2.5 mg/l 

c) When oxygen concentration falls below 3.5 mg/l 

d) When oxygen concentration falls below 4.5 mg/l 

Answer .a 

112. Which of the following way is used to reduce the pollution load on marine water? 

a) Manual cleaning of pollutants 

b) Damping the pollutants during winter 

c) Introducing sewage treatment plants 

d) Ban the license of industries which are near to the sea 


113. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill considered amongst the largest oil spills in history. 

a) True 

b) False 

Answer. a 

114. What is the reason that oil pollution attracts the greatest attention? 

a) Because of the volume 

b) Because of the density 

c) Because of the mass 

d) Because of the visibility 

Answer d 

115. .Which of the following is the great voulme of waste discharge to water? 

a.spillage from oil pipeline 


c.nuclear waste 

d.Spillage from tankers 


116. What is the source of toxic waste material in marine life? 

 a.Metal from mining 


c.Pesticides from farms 

d.all of them 

Ans D 

117. Radio active waste source in marine pollution? 

a.discharge from nuclear power station 

b.reprocessing plants 

c.military waste 

d.all of them 


118. What are the causes of sediments in causing marine pollution? 

a.soil erosion 


c.mining and farming 

d.all of them 

Ans .D 

119. .What are the source of pathogenic organism on marine pollution? 


b.Live stock waste 

c.both a & b 


Ans .C 

120. .Over 75 % of marine pollution comes from? 




d.coastal areas 


121. The natural process of emulsification of oil in water can be accelerated through the use of chemical 






122. Oil tankers are now built with double hulls instead of one to avoid? 

a.Oil spill 

b.exposure of air 

c.high cost 

d.long distance 


123. Due to high demand of oil across globe it is transferred in billions of barrels and sometimes lead to? 



c .success 



124. .Plastic decompose after ? 

a.10 years 

b.100 years 

c.1000 years 

d.1 year 


125. .The salt present in detergent which cause rapid growth of algae in water bodies is? 




d.all of these 

Ans .C 

126. Decaying of Algae consume. 



c.both a&b 



127. .Industrial waste contain contain toxins including. 

a )PCBs 


c.radio active material 

d.all of these 


MCQs Group-6


 Effect of pollution on marine life

128. 1: The main route by which Cd enter into the body?

A. Food intake

B. Tobacco smoking

C. Both A and B

D. None of them

Answer: C

129. 2. Heavy metals most commonly found in biosolids?

A. Cd

B. Hg

C. As

D. All

Answer: A

130. 3. Heavy metals mainly consists of Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, Chromium and?

A. Carbon

B. Arsenic

C. Oxygen


Answer: B

131. 4: Fertilizers contain trace amount of heavy metals

A.Cd and Pb 

B. Hg

C. Zn 

D. As

 Answer :A

132. 5: Which one of these process is also called green remediation 




D. Both B and C

Answer :A

133. 6: Anthropogenic source of heavy metals in soil is

A. Mining 

B. Soil washing

C. Weathering of rocks 

D. Both B and C

Answer: A

134. 7: Which heavy metal accumulates in body organs and lead to plumbism

A. Zn 

B. Pb

C. Cd 

D. All

Answer: B

135. 8: Some Pb (IV) compounds, such as PbO2, are

A. Reductant

B. Strong Oxidant

C. Netural

D. Weak Oxidant

Answer. B

136. 9: Application of certain phosphatic fertilizers inadvertently adds

A. Cd

B. Pb

C. Hg

D. All above

Answer. D

137. 10: Arsenic is a metalloid in group





Answer. A

138. 11: Which one is associated with allergic dermatitis in human

A. Cadmium

B. Lead

C. Chromium

D. All

Answer . C

139. 12: Sources of heavy metals in soil are 

 A. Fertilizers

B. Pesticides

C. Biosolids and manures

D. All

Answer. D

140. 13: Which one was used in fruit orchards to control some parasitic insect?

A .Lead arsenate

B. Cadmium 

C. Chromium 

D. Mercury

Answer : A

141. 14: Ex suit means that the contaminated soil is ___ from the surface

A. Unmoved

B. Unexcavted

C. Moved

D. Remain at the site

Answer : C

142. 15: Which one of these is the heavy metal

A. Mercury

B. Lead

C. Cadmium

D. All of these

Answer : D

143. 16: Heavy metals enter in the soil agro-ecosystem through?

A. Natural sources

B. Anthropogenic source

C. Both a and b

D. None of these

Answer: C

144. 17: Which compound were used to control pests in Banana?

A. Lead

B. Chromium

C. Mercury

D. Arsenic 

Answer: D

145. 18: Which one is the major sink for heavy metals released into the soil

A. Water

B. Soil

C. Air

D. None of these

Answer: B

146. 19: Heavy metals are accumulated in the soil by

A. Burning of fossil fuels

B. Use of fertilizers

C. Both A and B

D. Deforestation

Answer: C

147. 20: Fertilizers are used for

A. To increase yield of crops

B. To increase growth of plants

C. To increase fertility of soil

D. All of these

Answer: D

148. 21: Soil washing remediation comprises of

A. Ex-situ technique

B. In-situ technique

C. Both A and B

D. None of these

Answer: C

149. 22: Which metal is associated with increased risk of cancer

A. Hg

B. Pb

C. As

D. Cr

Answer: C

150. 23: Which metal is present in ashes of coal combustion

A. Pb

B. Cr

C. Cd

D. As

Answer: D

151. 24: Soil washing employ which processes

A. Physical separation

B. Chemical extraction

C. In-situ and Ex-situ Techniques

D. All of these 

 152. 25: Fertilizers are mainly used as a source of which elements

A. C,O,H

B. N,P,K

C. Cr,Hg,Cd

D. Na,Al,Mg

Answer: B

153. 26: A plant used for phytoremediation needs to be

A. Heavy metal tolerant

B. Profuse root system

C. Grow rapidly

D. All of these

Answer: D

154. 27: ___ and ___ ore mining resulted in contamination of soil

A. Ag and Zn

B. Pb and Hg

C. Pb and Zn

D. Al and Li

Answer: C

155. 28: Chromium ___ is the more toxic form of chromium

A. V




Answer: B

156. 29: Atomic number of Cadmium is

A. 48

B. 42

C. 38

D. 46

Answer: A

157. 30: Chronic accumulation of which metal lead to kidney dysfunction

A. Pb

B. Hg

C. Cd

D. Cr

Answer: C 

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