Romantic Poetry Mcqs For BS/MA/MS/Mphil/Phd....

Romantic Poetry Mcqs For BS/MA/MS/Mphil/Phd....

Topic : Romanticism  

When did romantic period start? 

a) 1899     b) 1989    c) 1798     d) None  

Name the poet who falls in LAKE POETS? 

a) Wordsworth    b) Byron    c) Shelley      d) Keats 

Who initiated Romantic Era ? 

a) Coleridge     b) Sir Walter    c)  Wordsworth     d) Both a & c Lyrical Ballads is a work of  ? 

a) Wordsworth    b) Coleridge    C) Byron    d ) both a & b  

Biographia Literaria comes of ? 

a)Coleridge       b) Eliot    c)  Chadwick     d) Henry  Lyrical Ballads  was editioned ? 

a) 4      b) 5     c)  3        c) 2 


Romantics emphasized ? 

a) Wit       b) Blief     c) Emotions     d) All 

Name the poet who spiritualizes nature ? 

a) Wordsworh     b)  Coleridge    c) Shelley    d) Both  b & c  

Escapism is related to ? 

a)Keats     b) Byron    c)   Blake    d) Shelley  

Shelley ------------------ nature ? 

a) Intellectualizes     b) Romanticizes      c)  Indifferent    d) None  

French Revolution was started in ? 

a) 1789     b) 1899     c)1879      d) 11798 

Which one is not slogan of  French Revolution  ? 

a) Liberty     b) Equality     c) Fraternity      d)  Humanism  

Who imposed unfair excessive taxes during French Revolution  ? 

a) Edward     b) James   c) Louis     d) Bishop 

French Revolution was a fray between ? 

a) Upper & lower class     b) Police & Public      c) Court & Army  d) All  

Folk Spirit is associated with ? 

a) John Gottfried     b) Milton     c) Donne     d) Shakespeare 

Who is a Lake Poet in true sense ? 

a) Wordsworth        b) Shelley         c) Byron     d)Keats 

 Name the poet who romanticizes death ? 

a) Keats     b) Shelley  c) Eliot  d) Coleridge  Themes of romantic age are ? 

a) Love    b) Beauty     c) Nature    d)  All 

Steam engine was invented in the age of ? 

a) Romantic   b)   Elizabethan  c) Neoclassical   d) None  Prelude belongs to ? 

a) Wordsworth  b) Longinus   c) Byron  d) Coleridge  

Defended the ancient prerogatives of hereditary power ? 

a) Burke  b) Henry    c) Godwin   d)  Paine 

Romantic age may be tracked back to the mid of century ? 

a) 18th   b) 19th   c) 17th     d) 18th  

The rage for roots triggered by the discoveries of  ? 

a) Linguistic    b) Psychology  c) Criticism    d) All 

Lyrical Ballads  was published in ? 

a) 1798   b) 1898    c)  1989  d)   1698  The first reform bill was passed in ? 

a) 1832     b) 1860   c)  1870   d) 1890 

Group 2 

 John keats as a romantic poet  

_____was one of the most important figures of early nineteenth century romantics. 

 A Keats  B John donne  C shakespeare  D philip sidney Keats possesses the quality of ____and a pure poet. 

A romantic Comedy  B tragedy  C comedy  D romantic  

The second generation of romantic poets includes 

A  Lord byron,percy Bysshe Shelley and keats.  B John keats , john donne, shakespeare  C shakespeare ,Lord byron  DJohn keats and shakespeare 

 He ignored _____and preferred romanticism. 

A modernism  B classcism  C victorian era  D Post modernism 

John Keats’ _________are fine examples that he is first in the list of the romantic poets. 

A love for past, the quest for beauty  B escapism and imaginative realism  C none of them  D a and b 

The combination of happiness and _______ best characterizes his odes  

A despair  B ecstasy   C agony  D all  

His odes indicate a _____ in romantic poetry and philosophy  

A surprise  B happiness  C Tension  D none  

Older romantic poets looked at nature as a realm of  

A overwhelming beauty  B communion   C aesthetic pleasure   D all 

Keats sentiment of nature is ___ than other romantics 

A simpler  B difficult   C neutral   D None 

Later romantics looked at nature primarily as a realm of 

A communion  B overwhelming beaut  C aesthetic pleasure   D B & C 

He ____ the physical beauty of nature  

A criticize   B appreciate   C Both   D None of these 

Keats description of nature is very beautiful,he paints the picture with  

A Colors  B words  C nothing   D A & B 

Keats is called the poet of ____ 

A Logic  B Beauty  C Reason  D All 

Some Critics adress ____ as the worshiper of beauty  

A P.B Shelly  B Lord byron  C Keats   D all  

Keats was influenced by   

A Spenser  B Words worth  C Coleridge  D None 

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty “ lines taken from which ode of keats  

A ode to a nightingale   B ode to a grecian urn   C ode to autumn   D ode to Melancholy  

 Romantic poetry presents the world of 

A reality   B imagination   C dream  D b & c 

Unlike whom keats does not want to overthrow the tyrants  

A Spenser  B Byron  C Shelley   D All 

John keats dealt with the supernatural elements in his poem 

A The Eve of St. Agnes  B La belle dame sans merci  C Both  D None of them 

Which thing keats referred as Immortal in ode to a nightingale  

A nightingale B sleep C life D all What kind of poet was keats? 

A Romantic and pure poet  B Modern and impure poet  C Classical and pure poet   D Modern and impure poet  

Keats felt that human mind was?  

A Active   B Synthetic  C Dynamic  D All of them  

Keats was the romantic poet of which generation?  

A First  B Second  C Third  D None of them 

What is a recurrent feature in Keats ‘s poetry?  A Synaesthesia  B Moral  C Destruction  D None Escapism can be noticed in Keats ‘s work?  

A Ode to Nightangale  B Autumn  C Ode to the Gracian urn  D None  

Ode To Autumn  


Ode to Autumn was composed in Winchester on  

a) 19 Sep 1820 b) 16 Sep 1819  c) 19 Sep 1819 ) 23 Sep 1819 

Ode to Autumn was first published in  

a) 1822  b) 1820  c) 1821 d) 1819 

Ode to Autumn is a poem in three stanzas of  

a) 8 lines b) 12 lines c) 6 lines d) 11 lines  

Which Poem is considered the perfect embodiment of poetic form ? 

a) Ode To Nightingale b) On Death  c) Ode To Autumn d) Lamia  

Autumn is personified as a  

a) Male b) Woman c) Apple Tree  d) Sun Who is considered the closest friend of Autumn  

a)Sun  b) Moon c) Spring d) Bees  

Which thing Autumn symbolizes in human and animal lives ? 

a) Madness b) death c) Maturity d) Mutability 

“Thou has thy music too”  this phrase describes the feeling of 

a) Destruction b) Hopefulness c) Enjoyment d) None Of These  

Which Poem is considered Keats’s career last poem ? 

a) Ode To Grecian Urn b) Ode To Psyche c) Ode To Autumn d) On Death 

In Ode To Autumn Keats implies the feeling that the Autumn is still full of  

a) Load b) Energy c) Leaves d) Hopes  

The last stanza of Ode To Autumn is considered to be  

a) Destructed b) Beautiful  c) Death-Haunted d) None Of These  

The use of sound in Ode To Autumn is  

a) Paralleled b) Complex c) Satisfied d) Unparalleled 

“Seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness”  the line taken from  

a) Lamia b) Ode To Nightingale c) Ode to Autumn d) Ode To Grecian Urn 

Autumn is the season of  

a) Depression b) Falling Off c) Mists & Fruitfulness d) Enjoyment 

The reddish colors of the sunlight touch the ______ surface of the reaped plains. 

a) Blackish b) Rosy c) Green d) Brown 

Who sits careless on a granary floor in Ode To Autumn ? 

a) Woman b) Man c) Autumn d) Moon  

“Thou watchest the last oozings ,” 

a) Day by day b) Hours by hours c) month by month d) season by season 

How many images Keats has personified Autumn ?  

a) Two b) Three c) Four  d) Five 

Whom hair is being lifted softly by the blowing wind in Ode To Autumn ? 

a) Girl b) Autumn c) Winter d) Moon  

In which season , the sun makes the gourd swell ? 

a) Spring b) Winter c) Summer d) Autumn 

Thatched cottages suggest a 

a) Beautiful Setting b) Urbane Setting c) Abroad Setting d) Pastoral Setting 

Autumn is the season of  

a) Life & Happiness b) Misery & Joy c) Life & Death d) Beauty  

Autumn & Sun are planning how to make fruits 

a) Destroy b) Ripe  & Grow c) Vanish d) Round  

In Autumn Bees gets busy in getting their juice to prepare 

a) Nectar b) Milk c) Honey d) Sweets 

How many Odes are written by John Keats ? 

a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 

Ode To A Nightingale 

What is the theme to “Ode to a Nightingale?”

a)Morality         b) Truth           c) Reality         d) Melancholy

“Ode to Nightingale” written in ?

a)1819            b) 1817               c) 1818            d) 1820

Which bird is a symbol of eternity for Keats?

a)The Sparrow      b)  The Nightingale       c) The Robin        d) The Swan

It  Was...........while Keats heard the sound of a nightingale,which inspired the ode.

a) winter               b) Summer              c) Spring                  d)  Autumn

"My heart aches.........."here the cause of "ache" is

a)Joy                     b) despair               c) envy                      d) inability

"As Though Of Hemlock I Had.........."

a)  Drunk                b) Taken              c) Enjoyed                  d) Sunk

Keats Suggests……..Of Bird’s Song.

a)Evanescence           b)Ecstasy           c) Permanence      d) Wisdom

“I Cannot See………."

a)Moon.                      b)Stars.              c) Flowers               d) Sky

How many stanzas of “Ode to Nightingale” ?

a)5                    b) 6                    c) 4                  d) 8

“ I Cannot See What Flowers Are………”

a) In The Tree              b)In The Garden            c)At My Feet           d)Above My Head

“Where beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes” ,here beauty refers to

a) Fanny Browne         b) Rose              c) The moon             d) Women of beauty

“Fade Far Away, Dissolve, And Quite Forget”.Keats Want To Forget

a)The  bird                                    b)World of the nightingale  

 c)The Miseries Of The Earth      d) The Moonlit Night

“Or New Love Pine At Them Beyond To-morrow”. Here Keats Thinks Of His Own Love Affair


a) Fanny           b) Mary           c)  Anne       d)  Harriet

Ode To A Nightingale Is Noted For

a) Sensuousness           b) Realism         c)  Imagery      d)  Pun

Each Stanza Of “Ode To Nightingale” Contains…..…. LINES ?

a) 11                 b) 9                       c) 10                   d) 12

When “Ode To Nightingale” Was Written Keats Was In ?

a) Italy               b) France                c) England          d) Switzerland

“ Thou wast not born for death immortal bird” Here Immortality Actually Applies To ?

a) The Nightingale           b) The poet             c) The song           d) Natural beauty

“Wherewith The Seasonable Month……” here the month is ?

a)March                        b) May                      c) April                  d)  July

The 8th Line Of Each Stanza Of “Ode To Nightingale” Is Written In ?

a)Iambic Pentameter          b) Iambic trimeter

c) Iambic tetrameter             d) Trochaic pentameter

“Nor What Soft Incense”. Here The Poet Speaks Of The ?

a)Bird            b) Flowers            c) Forest.          d)  Moon

All The Serious Thoughts On This Earth, As Keats Says Led To ?

a)Joy                 b) Past.               c)  Imagination.          d) Despair

“…………. Of Thy Happy Lot”. Here the word “Lot” Means ?

a) Much              b) Song             c)  Fate              d)  Bird

“…………To The Drains”. Here The Poet Mentions ?

a) Opium              b)  Hemlock               c) Wine                d)  Lethe water

In The Last Stanza Keats Finds The Song Of The Bird To Be ?

a) Joyful.                 b) Charming.            c)  Immortal          d) Melancholy

“Testing Of Flora” ,What Is Flora ?

a)  Greek Goddess of Wine                         b) Roman Goddess of wine.

   c) Roman Goddess of flowers                  d) Greek goddess  of Flowers


 Ode On a Grecian Urn

In which year Ode On a Grecian Urn was written?

a) 1820        b) 1819         c) 1821              d) 1822

In first stanza, Keats calls the urn “foster child of”…..

a) Charm and beauty     b)  Silence and slow time

b) Noisy and fast time   d) Night and day

In 5 stanza, Keats calls the Urn….

a) Embodiment of beauty    b) Embodiment of Charm

b) A Cold Pastoral                   d) Centre of attention

How many stanzas are there in “Ode on a Grecian urn”

a) 4 stanzas    b) 5 stanzas   c) 7 stanzas    d) 8 stanzas

In the opening line of this ode, Keats personifies Urn by calling….

a) Cold Pastoral    b)  Sylvan Historian  c) Unravished bride.  d) none of these In 5 stanza, Keats says that urn is carved with the embroidery of marble:

Men and Woman b) Men and children c) Old people d) Men and Maidens

What does the Urn symbolize in the Ode on a urn?

a) Ugliness and Mortality             b) Loneliness and Mortality

b) Beauty and Mortality               d) Beauty and Immorality

Which animal is sacrificed in the 4th stanza of Keats’ “ ode on a Grecian urn”?

a) Camel              b) ram               c) Heifer (a cow)            d) calf

What is referred as “ the bride of quietness” in the “ ode on a Grecian urn”?

a) the Grecian urn    b) the autumn   c) the nightingale   d) none of these

Characters in the Grecian urn are:

a) melted     b) frozen in time         c) preserved          d) fast in time

What does narrator describes in the poem “ ode on a Grecian urn”?

a) shape of the urn                         b) quality of the urn 

c) designs on a Grecian urn           d) none of these

In third  line of first stanza, Keats refers Urn to which thing?

a) Sylvan Poet b) Sylvan Laureate  c)Sylvan Historian  d) None of these

The overall tone of this poem can best be described as:

a)Mournful      b)Emotion      c)  Sarcastic    d) Vulgar

What men or gods are these? What maidens loth?

What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?

What pipes and trimbrels? What wild ecstasy?

Which literary device is used in these lines?

a) Personification  b) Alliteration  c)  Anaphora   d)  Metaphor

Who is leading the cow towards the alter?

a) A mysterious poet                      b) A happy priest 

c) A mysterious priest.                   d) A sad man       

The people who are carrying the cow towards the altar are from which village?

a)      Oia Village  b) Athens   c) Olympia   

c) poet doesn’t know about the village 

In Ode on a  Grecian urn, who is playing the musical pipes beneath a tree?

a) A Fair Maiden   b) An Old man   c) A Fair Youth     d) A young child

According to Keats, which songs are more melodies than heard songs?

a) Songs, which are heard by physical ears

b) Songs which are heard by human beings

c) Songs which are unheard and silent 

d) All these 

In this ode, “ parching tongue” stands for what?

a) Fever      b) Cough.        c) pain               d) thirst

The leaves of the trees which are carved on the urn will never ever bid to which season?

a) Autumn         b) winter.            C) summer.                  d) Spring

The Cow’s silken flanks was dressed by which thing?

a) Leaves    b) Garlands    c)  Roses  d)  bells

The scene of sacrificing cow present which type of event?

a) Religious    b) non religious  c) Weeding   d) party

The urn can  narrate a story more sweetly than a 

b) Poet       b)Poem       c)Teacher      d)Preacher What does Attic present in ode on a Grecian urn?

a) A place in London    b) A place in Cyprus

b) A place in Greece     d) A place in Germany

Ode on the Grecian urn was published in?

a) 1819    b)  1821    c) 1822    d) 1820

Ode on a Grecian urn was published in which collection?

a) Odes   b) Lyrics poems  c) Boston     d) None



The Hellenism is associated with-------

a) wordsworth         b) keats        c) Byron        d) None

 The word Hellenism means------

a) Greek             b) Japan      c) Europe       d) Rasia 

Hellenism of keats connotes------

a) His love of poetry.    b) His love for ancient culture

b) His love for Greek culture and art .    D) None of these Who expressed the opinion that “ keats was a Greek”----?

a) Byron.       b) Wordsworth.   c)  Shakespeare     d) Shelly

Keats is a Hellenist because he loves the beauty of----

a) Span       b) England.     c) Greek       d) Europe

 Who calls Keats ”One of the inheritors of unfulfilled renown?

a) Shelley          b)Byron       c) Walter Scott       d) Southey -Who wrote a famous Pastoral Elegy on the death of Keats?

a) Shelley        b) Wordsworth      c) Walter Scot      d) None

What was the title of the elegy written by Shelley on the death of Keats?

a) Adonais           b) Lycidas        c) Thyrsis     d) Astrophel

Keats took the story of Endymion from:-

a) Greek Mythology     b) Italian Folk        c) Irish Legends    d) None

Keats writes in The Ode to a Nightingale ”Wher youth grows pale, specter think and dies”:-

a) His brother’s death by consumption   b) Death of Chatterton who died at the age of 18.   c)  Death of Philip Sidney who died at the age of 32   d) 


Which of these men was not named by the temple of Apollo at Delphi for his Surpassing wisdom?

a) OSocrates      b) Aeschylus.        c)  OSophocles       d) OEuripides  

What replaces Dionysian ecstasies in Euripidean drama?

a)Fiery passions       b)Cool, paradoxical thoughts      c) X Apollonian intuitions  d) Esthetic Socratism

 Who attacked the spirit of tragedy in his theatrical works?

a) Aristophanes.       b)X Philemon     c) Euripides.     d)  OMenander  

According to Nietzsche, what is the role of the chorus in tragedy?

a) The beholder of the visionary scene.     b)  The ideal spectator

b) The Apollonian critic      c) The political arbiter

 What musical form did Archilochus introduce into literature?

a) The New Attic Dithyramb   b) The choral hym. c) The folk-song  d) Socratic Lyricism

Hellenism of Keats connotes______________?

a) his love of poetry  b) his love of ancient cultures    c)  his love of Greek culture and art       d)None of these

Both the Gothic and sentimental fiction emphasize which of the following ?

a) Reason over emotions      b) The necessity for an aristocracy  

b) c) The power of feelings        d)  A sense of adventure  

Hardy’s Nature is_____________?

a) Friendly    b) Indifferent    c)  Vindictive    d)  None of these

The line ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’ occurs in which one of Keats’ following poems_______________?

a) Ode to Nightingale    b)  Ode to Grecian Urn    c)  Ode to Psyche c) None 

Who calls Keats ”One of the inheritors of unfulfilled renown?

a) Shelley     b) Byron    c) Walter Scott     c) Southey 

The theme of Hyperion is taken from …….. origin.

a) Persian     b) Greek.    c)  Somalia.    d)  none Keats first successful poetic work was:

a) The Illiad     b) The Odyssey     c) On first looking into  Chapmans Homer

c) Ode to psyche

In keats lamia imagery used is:

a) Sylvan pastoral     b) Sylvan historian    c) Sylvan allusions   d)None 

Who states that “Keats was a Greek”.

a) Arnold     b) Shelley      c) Chapmans      d) Shakespeare

Which work of keats have refrences to beauty of form:-

a) Cult of Greece      b) Sonnets on marble

b) Ode on a Grecian Urn     d) Both b and c


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