PPSC Educaters Jobs/ Latest updates / Criteria/How to apply/ Level of Merit/ Last Date To Apply/Rules & Regulations/Previous Merits/Results And More....
Recently PM Punjab informed that they are going to fill teaching seats in the government schools all over the Punjab , more than sixteen thousand and detailed summary was asked from education minister of Punjab to put forward to CM office for further procedures . After that CM & education minister of Punjab threw that summary to PPSC for further action of the whole activity .Now PPSC is near about to upload add for the vacancies within a few days .
Jobs Level/Grade
Vacancies are of
The criteria or educational qualification for these posts shall be master in art or science subjects or bachelor in arts or science subject of sixteen years education .
Age Limit
The age limit for these posts shall be
For male maximum 35 years
For female maximum 38 years
other age rules and regulations are also applicable .
Method Of Selection
Firstly there shall one paper mqc based test and after the merit shall be obvserved for the test and then from specific marks obtainer in that test shall be called foe interview and afterward those who pass the interview shall be scrutinized with their academic marks which shall be 20% and the final merit list shall be displayed on the PPSC websites for all posts.
How To Prepare For Paper
As for as the preparation of educaters jobs is concerned one should cover his concerning subject from grade 1 or 3-12th minimum , an then his/her concerning degree outline of all major universities of Pakistan to surpass exam distinctively and to get confirmed allocation in Punjab Education Department.
For further info and guidelines please remain in touch with this website and do visit regularly for latest updates about jobs , admissions and results all over the Pakistan.