Criticism And Theory (A-Part) Mcqs For BS/MA/MS/M PHIL /Phd...

 Criticism And Theory (A-Part) Mcqs For BS/MA/MS/M PHIL /Phd...



        Literary Criticism And  Theory

Father of literary criticism 

A. Shakespeare 

B. John Dryden 

C. Tom Jones D. Chaucer 2

Answer : B

A new era of criticism with began 

A. Shakespeare 

B. Thomas

C. Dryden 

D. Tom Jones 

Answer : C

Literary criticism is the study evolution, and interpretation of 

A. Drama

B. Poetry 

C. Literature 

D. Novel 

Answer :C

Modern literary criticism is often influenced by literary 

A. Term

B. Theory 

C. Element 

D. None of these Answer : B

Types of literary criticism 

In biographical criticism, the writer analyzed to show 

A. Relationships between the author life and his work on literature 

B. About his life and his life circumstances 

C. His relationship between his family 

D. Analyze his peculiar habits Answer : A

Ethical criticism means, discussion on 

A. Ethical evils 

B. Ethical habits 

C. Ethical impacts 

D. None of these 

Answer : B

Expressive criticism is a form of literary criticism, in which discussion on

A. Authors circumstances 

B. Authors problems 

C. Authors feelings ,emotions, expressions 

D. Authors works

Answer : C

In feminist criticism, study about the rights of 

A. Parents rights 

B. Men rights 

C. Poor’s rights 

D. Political ,social and economic rights of women Answer : D

In mimetic criticism, the word mimetic comes from 

A. Greek word 

B. German word 

C. English word 

D. None of these 

Answer : A

Psychological criticism is also known as 

A. Psychoanalytical criticism 

B. Mythological criticism 

C. Sociological criticism 

D. Historical criticism 

Answer : A

In social criticism, discussion on 

A. Language 

B. Arts

C. Society and social relationship 

D. Political problem 

Answer : C

Textual criticism is a branch of textual scholarship and 

A. Literary criticism 

B. Social criticism 

C. Historical criticism 

D. None of these Answer : A

In textual criticism, identification of 

A. Written work 

B. Written theory 

C. Textual variant and different versions 

D. Written words Answer : C

A critical theory is that which examine the 

A. Literary work in the light of certain theories of literature 

B. Uses the text as a support for the development of literary theory 

C. None of these 

D. Both A and B

Answer : D

Historical criticism, discussion on 

A. Authors society 

B. History of authors life and his work 

C. Authors problems 

D. None of these Answer : B

Historical criticism is another way of 

A. Classic poetry 

B. Classic drama 

C. Classic literature 

D. Classic prose 

Answer : C A good critic must be a wide:

a) Common man

b) Learned man

c) Uneducated man

d) Unconditioned man

Answer : B

A good critic must have an efficient knowledge of all the branches of :

a) Drama

b) Novel

c) Literature

d) Poetry

Answer: C

A good critic must be entirely:

a) Impersonal and Subjective

b) Personal and objective

c) Subjective and objective

d) Impersonal and objective

Answer : D

Whom T.S Eliot considers as a perfect critic:

a) Symons

b) Arnold

c) Aristotle

d) John Dinner

Answer : C

Whom T.S Eliot  considers as imperfect critics: a) Symons and Arnold

b) Symons and John Donne

c) Arnold and Aristotle

d) Aristotle and John Donne Answer : A

In which century Aristotle wrote poetic

A    .3th BC        B  .4th BC      C  .5th   D. 6th BC

Ans  .B

Later classical and medieval criticism focused on 

A  .prose texts  B  . poetry text   C  . religious texts   D  Dramatic text Ans. C

Literature criticism was also employed in other forms of medieval Arabic literature and and Arabic poetry from the century

A  .8   B  .9    C  .7   D  .5

Ans. B

Who wrote the book Al- Bidi 

A . Aristotle  B  . Plato   C  Abdullah ibn Al -Mu'tazz   D  John Done

Ans. C

The birth of Renaissance criticism was in 

A  .1945   B  1496   C  1490   D  1498

Ans  .D

Who was the most influential Renaissance critics

A  Aristotle   B  Plato  C   Ludovico  Castleton   D  Marlowe

Ans . C

In which year Ludovico Captivator wrote commentary on Aristotle poetics

A  .1575   B   1470   C   1570    D  1670

Ans. C

Enlightenment criticism period extended from 

A  .1600_1700    B  .1700_1800   C  .1300_1400   1500_1600

Ans .B

Northrop Fry published the influential anatomy of criticism in

A  1950  B   1960   C  1957   D  1955

Ans. C

Plato’s Life, Work and His Attack on Poetry


1) Most famous work of Plato is --------A. Republic

B. Vitoria 

C. Crimes

D. None of these

Answer (A)

2) Plato was famous for his --------A. Dramas

B. Comedies

C. Dialogues

D. Poems

Answer (C)

3) Plato founded the ----------- program.

A. School

B. Academic

C. Computer

D. None of these

Answer (B)

4) Plato stressed the importance of --------A. Urdu and English

B. Science and English

C. Science and Urdu

D. Science and Mathematics

Answer (D)

5) Plato known as the “maker of ---------A. Science

B. English

C. MathematicsD. Computer

Answer (C)

6) Plato wrote Republic in ---------- Literature.

A. Greek

B. Utopian

C. Latin

D. Francis

Answer (B)

7) Plato writes the --------- of poetry.

A. Verse

B. Book

C. a lot of 

D. None of these

Answer (A)  

8) He was a ---------- Person.

A. Mad

B. Poetic

C. SeriousD. Funny

Answer (B)

9) Plato was born 427-8 BC and died at the age of:

(a) 80 

(b) 76

(c) 74 

(d) None of these

Answer: (a)

10) According to Plato the population of an ideal state should be: (a) 5040

(b) 50400 (c) 50040

(d) None of these

Answer: (a)

11) The turning point in the life of Plato came in the year 399 BC when he was of:

(a) 24 years

(b) 26 years

(c) 28 years

(d) None of theseAnswer: (c) 12) Plato wrote: (a) Politics

(b) The Laws

(c) Political Economy

(d) Polity

(e) None of these.Answer: (b) 13) Plato was a:

(a) Realist 

(b) Idealist

(c) Rationalist 

(d) None of these

Answer: (b)

14) The author of the book ‘Statesman’ is:

(a) Aristotle 

(b) Machiavelli

(c) Plato 

(d) None of these

Answer: (c)

15) Which of these books represents the scheme of Plato’s Philosophy?

(a) The Politics

(b) The Republic

(c) The Laws

(d) None of these

Answer: (b)

16) Plato is called the father of the idealist theory of the state because:

(a) He prescribed the ideals of city-state

(b) His theory was based not on what human nature is but on what it ought to be

(c) He postulated a dualism between reality and value

(d) He based his theory on the idea of the Good

Answer: (b)

17) Plato wrote many philosophical texts—at least.

(a) 25 (b) 20 (c) 05

(D) 22

Answer: (a)

18) How many children were Plato’s:

(a) 5

(b) 7

(c) 0 (d) 2

Answer: (c)

19) Who was Plato's famous teacher?

(a) Aristotle 

(b) Socrates

(c) Apology

(d) Shakespeare 

Answer: (b)

20) Plato attacks on poetry _______________

A) Two grounds

B) Three grounds

C) Four grounds

D) Six groundsAns: (C) 

21) Being a logical person Plato dislikes

A) Happiness

B) Grief

C) Pity

D) Pity and grief

Ans: (D)

22) poetry concerned with

A) Logic

B) Appearance of things

C) ReasonD) Impact

Ans: (B)

23) Plato was _____ Humanizes Gods

A) In favor

B) against

C) Mercy

D) Benevolence

Ans: (B)

24) Plato considered the poetry

A) Unauthentic

B) Irrational

C) Immoral

D) All of them

Ans: (D)

25) According to" Plato Poets write__"

A) Truth

B) Fact

C) Reality

D) Appearance

Ans: (D)

26) In intellectuality, poetry is

A) Poor

B) Enriched

C) Embellish

D) Refine

Ans: (A)

27) Poetry and philosophy both are

A) Similar to each other

B) rely on false knowledge

C) Based on logic

D) Different to each other

Ans: (D)

 28) Plato believes in the Republic that of the virtues   (a) Justice is the most important.

(b) Temperance is the most important.

(c) Wisdom is the most important.

(d) Courage is the most important.

Answer (a)

29) According to Plato the ultimate knowledge upon which moral virtue is based is (a) Piety

(b) Virtue

(c) the Good

(d) Justice

         Answer (c)

30)Plato opposed the doctrine of  

(a) moral absolutism

(b) moral realism

(c) hedonism

(d) deontology

Answer (c)

Topic: Aristotle life and works

Aristotle defence of poetry


Which is the school founded by Aristotle? A. Lyceum 

B. Academy 

C. Athens 

D. Socratic School


What is the central concept of Aristotle’s Metaphysics and logic? A. Substance 

B. Imagination

C. Forms 

D. ReasonAnswer:A 

 In which work does Aristotle make the distinction between primary and secondary substance A. Poetics B. Metaphysics C. Topics

 D. Categories


Which of the following is an example of primary substance?

A. Group of horses

B. A particular horse 

C. Painting of horses 

D. Sculpture of horse


. Which of the following is an example of secondary substance? A. Horse 

B. Cuckoo 

C. Animal D. Birch


According to Aristotle what is the source of knowledge? A. Mind 

B. Senses

C. Thought 

D. Dream


 According to Aristotle reality exists….. A. in the idealistic world 

B. in the world of forms 

C. in the world of imagination 

D. in the external world


 What is the term that Aristotle use for logic? A. Analytics B. Categories 

C. Forms

D. Reasoning



Aristotle’s works on Logic are collectively known as …. A. Analytics

B. Categories

C. Forms 

D. Organ on


What is the basis of Aristotelian logic? A. Analytics 

B. Categories

C. Syllogism

D. OreganoAnswer:C

When was Aristotle born

A. 32 A.D 

B. 32 B.C

C. 38 B.C

D. 34 A.D 


Aristotle father was professionally a

A. Civil physician

B. Professor1

C. Quack

D. Court physician


In which academy did Aristotle enrolled?

A. Athens

B. Plato’s academy

C. Netherlands

D. Greece


The death bed of Aristotle was at

A. Athens

B. Netherlands

C. Chalcis

D. None of them

Answer: C

He died in the year 322A.D


C. 322B C

D. 326 B.C

Answer: C

His composition consists of

A. 84 works

B. 84 Sonnets

C. 200 works

D. Both b and c

Answer: C

Preserved writings of Aristotle were

A. 31

B. 52

C. 54

D. 32

Answer: A

In how many parts did his writings grouped

A. 2

B. 4

C. 3

D. None

Answer B

Which of the following books is related to scientific tools and logics?

A. Physics

B. Metaphysics

C. The origin of life

D. Organ on

Answer D

“ Movements of animals” is related to?

A. Organon

Physics and metaphysics

The origin of life

D. Cosmology Answer D

In the term metaphysics, meta means

A. Beyond

B. Excruciating

C. Cosmic

D. Elements

Answer A

Inchoation ethics is related to?

A. Animal rights

B. Human rights

C. Human nature

D. Both b and c

Answer C

Poetics is related to?

A. Philosophical theory

B. Scientific research

C. Dramatic theory D. None

Answer C

He gave new interpretation to

A. Imitation

B. Poetry

C. Drama

D. Tragedy

Answer A

Plato regarded poetry as:

A. Philosophy B. Illogical Creativity



Answer B

According to Aristotle what does purpose of poetry say:

A. Tragedy is moral edification

B. Imitation is a curse

C. Selfishness D. None

Answer A

From Aristotle point o view Which of the following activity makes man feel light and healthy

A. Exercises

B. Catharsis

C. Solitude

D. Drama

Answer B


Aristotle's Theory of Imitation


Aristotle was born  in ?

A Stagira’s

B Athens

C France

D London

     ANSWER  ' A'

Who is known as  “ Father  of  Western  Criticism”?

A Plato

B Chaucer

C Aristotle

D Sidney

       ANSWER   ‘C'

Aristotle's  father was  a ?

A Physician

B Lawyer

C Merchant

D Knight

       ANSWER ' A' Aristotle died  in ?

A       333 BC B       322 BC C       344 BC

D       384 BC         ANSWER  'B' Aristotle was  pupil of  ? A        Plato

B Socrates

C Both A & B

D None

         ANSWER  'A' Aristotle  was ? A        Critic

B Philosopher

C Logician

D All

       ANSWER  ' D'

Object is  a person or thing to which a specified action or ------are directed?

A Feelings

B Art

C Action 

D Both B & C  

          ANSWER ' A'


 In poetic imitation poetic men  are __________? 

A Ideal 

B Universal

C Life

D Worse

       ANSWER  'A'

 Poetic men  represent the ___________world?

A Real World 

B Imaginary word

C Last world 

D Nothing

      ANSWER  ‘A'

 The object of imitation in _________are men in action?

A Drama

B Poetry

C Action

D Reaction

        ANSWER 'B'

 The poetic men may be either better or_________than the real life men?  A     Worse

 D     Dangerous

C Holy

D Kind

     ANSWER 'A'

 The painter imitates through _____________?

A Rhythm and Harmony

B Language and Rhythm

C Form and color

D Language and Harmony

     ANSWER 'C'

 The poet imitates  through __________?

A.   Language

B Color

C Form

D None

    ANSWER 'A'

The musician imitates through ___________?

A Language

B Harmony

C Color

D All

     ANSWER 'B'

 The medium of poetry and painting are __________?

A Different

B Closer 

C Same 

D A &B

    ANSWER ' A'

 In regard tragedy , the two constituent element. diction and song are concerned with the_________of imitation? A    Object

B Medium

C Manner

D All

    ANSWER' B'

The way to present an art , to narrate or to act a story is known as ?

A Medium of imitation

B Object of imitation

C Manner of imitation

D None 

     ANSWER 'C'

Basic modes of imitation are ?

A Poetry

B Painting

C Music 

D All 

      ANSWER 'D'

Basic manners of poetic imitation are ?

A Narrative & Dramatic

B Narrative & Ironic

C Dramatic & Social

D Narrative & Logic

     : ANSWER 'A'

We can include epics in ?

A Tragic form

B Dramatic form

C Narrative form

D Logical form

       ANSWER 'C'

In narrative form of imitation we can take ?

A Epics 

B Tragedies

C Comedies

D Both B & C

    ANSWER  'D'

From where did Aristotle take the term of imitation?   A       Plato 

B Sidney

C Shakespeare

D None

    ANSWER 'A'

 Does Aristotle bring creative imagination? 

A     In the scope of Poetics

C     None

C In the form of poem

D B & C

     ANSWER 'A'

 Aristotle gives to the term” imitation” _____meaning?

A Significant 

B limited 


D None      ANSWER 'A'  Who was Aristotle?

A   Student of Plato B    Common man C    Lawyer

D    None

  ANSWER 'A'  Plato Attacked on?

A Poetry

B Politics

C Art

D All

    ANSWER 'A'

Who used first time the concept of imitation in  reference to poetry?

A Plato

B Aristotle 

C John done

D None

     ANSWER 'A'

In which book Plato used imitation for the first time?

A    Gulliver travel B     Republic

C Renew

D None

     ANSWER 'B 

Limitation. was called ______in Ancient Greek?

A     Mimesis B     Copies

C Recording

D Replica

      ANSWER 'A'

Aristotle used the concept  of _____________with a new light in his Poetics? A    Imitation

B Replica

C Poetry

D None

     ANSWER 'A'

According to Plato, Imitation is a____

A Mere copy of life

B Picture of life

C Mirror  of life

D None

     ANSWER 'A'

Subject: literary criticism  Group5

Plot divided in two parts ?

A simple or complex

B simple or character

C complex or song

D none of these


How many types of hero?

A one

B two

C three

D four


The character must be true representative of..?

A actual human nature B actual human action

C change of fortune

D none of  these


According to the Aristotle’s plot in the soul

A diction

B Tragedy 

C plot 

D song 


Simple plot have only change of 

A song 

B character 

C fortune 

D thought 


The character must be true representative of ……

A Actual human nature 

B Actual human action 

C change of fortune 

D None of these 


What is the meaning of hamartia

A Tragic flaw

B error of judgement 

C both a and b

D None of these 


Excessive pride and disrespect hero for natural order is called 

A hamartia 

B Hubris 

C Peripeteia 

D Anagnorisis 


When hero makes an important discovery in the story the moment is called A Anagnorisis B nemesis 

C hubris 

D Peripeteia


Peripeteia mean 

A reversal of life 

B reversal of fate 

C reversal of truth 

D None of these 


The feelings of pity and fear that the audience feels for the protagonist after his down fall Is called ……..

A catharsis

B Nemesis 

C hamartia

D Peripeteia 


Aristotle’s say that chorus should have important like 

A actor 

B singer 

C writer 

D all 


At was the necessary part of drama 

A Greek B British C China 

D None of these


Aristotle’s was particularly interested in of these 

A diction 

B metaphysical 

C song 

D both a and b 


Diction is expression of the meaning …

A words 

B above 

C actor 

D None of these 


What is diction modern sense means  

A choice of words 

B choice of language C choice of plot 

D None of these 


Aristotle was born in 

A 384 b.c

B 380 b.c 

C 388 b.c 

D 333 b.c


Aristotle’s contribution the history 

A logic 

B ethics

C political 

D all


Aristotle was a ………..philosopher

A Greek 

B Latin 

C Europe 

D None 


Aristotle was the disciple of  

A PLATO  B Sidney 

C Shakespeare D None 


The classical discussion is in 

A Latin Tragedy 

B Greek Tragedy 

C American Tragedy 

D all of these 


The function of tragedy is to arouse pity and fear in the audience is called ------A. Tragic Hero

B. Serious Hero

C. Kind Hero

D. All of them

Answer (A)

Aristotle term for this emotional purging is the Greek word--------A. Tragedy

B. Satire

C. Catharsis

D. None of these

Answer (C)

Aristotle term for this emotional purging is the --------- word Catharsis. A. Latin

B. Greek

C. Persian

D. English

Answer (B)

According to Aristotle, a tragedy can arouse these ---------- emotions.

A. Single B. Twins

C. Triples

D. None of these

Answer (B)

These twins emotions of pity and ---------A. Fear

B. Duty

C. Kindness

D. Working

Answer (A)

The tragic hero should be someone, “Highly renowned and prosperous,” is said by ---------A. Ariston

B. Aristotle

C. Plato 

D. All of them 

Answer (B)

 Arts differ from one another in three ways 

A difference of means 

B difference of objects 

C difference in manner of imitation 

D all 


Tragedy is an imitation of an action that is …..

A serious 

B Magnitude 

C complete in its self 

D all 


Aristotle is the father of ..

A western criticism 

B American criticism 

C British criticism 

D None 


How many parts of Tragedy 



C 6

D 7

Group 6


Biography of Sir Philip Sidney 

Types of Poetry

Function and Nature of poetry 


Sir Philip Sidney was born on 

30 November, 1554

34 November, 1587 

31 November, 1554 

11 November, 1555

Answer:  A

Although Sir Philip Sidney is writing 200 years before the revolution, he presents a very inward and self-absorbed narrator anastrophe and Stella."?

A. Medieval

B. Victoria

C. Romantic 

D. None of the above

Answer : C

Philip Sidney wrote An Apology for Poetry in immediate response to

Plato's Republic

Aristotle's Poetics

Stephen Gossoon’s The School of Abuse

 Jeremy Collier's Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage. Answer: C

The number of poems in Sidney's sonnet sequence Astrophile and Stella is: 


A. 108

B. 107

C. 106

D. 105

Answer : A


Which two writers have written essays on the defiance of poetry?

A. Sir Philip Sidney

B. P. B. Shelley

C. Mathew Arnold

D. T. S. Eliot

Answer: A and B

Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility. Who said?

A. S.T Coleridge 

B. John Dryden

C. Samuel Johnson

D. William Wordsworth used

Answer . D

  Who said flowers of speech to figures of speech used in poetry?

A. William Wordsworth

B. Samuel Johnson

C. S.T Coleridge

D. sir Philip Sidney

Answer . B

 Who wrote the poem tintern abbey?

A. William Wordsworth

B. Samuel Johnson

C. S.T Coleridge

D. P.B Shelley

Answer:  A. 


 When is the end of the poetry according to Sidney?

A. To teach

B. To delight or entertain 

C. a and b 

D. None of the above

Answer: C

 An apology for poetry first published in ?    

A. 1580 

B. 1595    

C. 1555

D. 1559

Answer : B

What is a poem called whose first letters of each line spell out a word?


A. Alliterative

B. Epic

C. Acrostic

D. Haiku

Answer: C

 A poem with no meter or Rhymes?

A. lyric

B. Joffre verse

C. Narrative

D. Sonnet

Answer: B

 A poem that generally has meter and rhyme?    

A. lyric

B. Joffre verse. 

C. Narrative

               ..                       D.  Sonnet

Answer :A

 Which is not poetry from?

A. Epic

B. bulled

C. Tale

D. Sonnet

Answer :C

Is a type of Japanese poetry that is made up of three lines?

A. Haiku

B. Riddle

C. Sonnet

D. Diamante

Answer: A

Who refers to poetry as "an imitation of nature?

A. Percy Shelley

B. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

C. William Hazlitt

D. William Wordsworth

Answer :C

Poetry is a overflow of powerful things

A. Non spontaneous

B. Spontaneous

C. Imagination

D. Inspiration

Answer: B

The nature of poetry is always Problematic and

                                 A. Imagination


C. Inspiring

D. Mysterious

Answer : D

Who points out the power and nature of poetry to move the mind and stir the heart??                                   A. Sidney

B. Hazlitt

C. Wordsworth

D. Shelley

Answer : A

The poetry based on

A. Abstract ideas

B. Persons action


                                  D.All of these

Answer : D

Modern literary theory began with the work of which theorist?

A. Ferdinand de Saussure

B. Viktor Schakowsky

C. Roland Barthes

D. Michel Foucault

Ans : A

How does New Historicism differ from traditional historicism?

A. New Historicism rejects theidea that history is neutral.

B. New Historicism does not

                                   make strict delineations between  Literary and    non-literary texts.    

C. New Historicism takes

                                  a particular interest in marginalized peoples.  D. All of the above answers are Correct.

Answer: D

 What is the main function of postcolonial criticism ?  A. To represent the relationship

                    between colonizers and the colonized. 

B. To draw attention to the

                              positive effects of colonization on literature. 

C. To explain why there are

                            few examples of successful non-Western literature.  

D. To show the ways in which

                   most Western literature is superior

Ans: A

 Who is the author of Ares Poetical?

A. Plato

B. Aristotle

C. Horace

D. Longinus

Ans: C

 Poetry is emotions recollected in tranquility" Who has defined poetry in these words?   

A. Shelley

B. Wordsworth

C. Hamlet

D. Matthew Arnold

Ans: B

According to Sydney poetry teaches us 

A. anger

B. patience

C. delight

D. comedy

Answer: C

 The power of poetry to move the.

A. mind & heart      

B. soul & stomach

C. both a &b

D. none of these

Answer: A

 Who said poetry teaches us delight

A. Wordsworth

B. Chaucer

C. Shakespeare

D. Phillip Sydney

Answer: D

 It is by it's _to move the mind

A. power

B. energy

C. potential

D. charge

Answer: A

 It influence the behavior and

A. conduct

B. conductor

C. code of conduct

D. all of these

Answers: A


1. What does John Pietro Puglia no argue about horsemanship?

a) It allows man to dominate beast

b) It is an enjoyable hobby

c) It makes one almost want to be a horse

d) It is the most gentlemanly artAnswer:  D

2. Why does Sidney feel called to defend poetry?

a) He is himself a poet

b) Some of his best friends are poets

c) He believes that poems are more delightful than horses

d) He was hired by the emperor to write and defend poetryAnswer: A

3. According to Sidney, which cultures valued poetry?

a) American

b) None

c) English

d) Greek and romanAnswer: D

4. How do historians incorporate poetry into their work?

a) As adornment

b) To refute its messages

c) To show how others have interpreted historical events

d) Not at all (they don't incorporate poetry)Answer: A

5. What did Romans call their poets?

a) Vats

b) Makers

c) Fools

d) StrongmenAnswer: A

6. What did Greeks call their poets?

a) Vats

b) Noblemen

c) Makers

d) Hopeless

Answer: c) Makers

7. How does poetry relate to nature?

a) It has no relationship

b) It rejects nature

c) It draws on nature, as well as creates a new nature

d) It can only draw on nature but not go beyond it

Answer: c) It draws on nature, as well as creates a new nature

8. How does Sidney define mimesis?

a) Silent expression

b) Imitation

c) Invention

d) Destruction

Answer: B

9. What are poetry’s "works?"

a) Individual poems

b) Its effects

c) Other literary elements including imagery

d) Meter and rhymeAnswer: B

10. According to Sidney, how would the philosopher defend his art?

a) By stating that it defines virtue

b) He wouldn't

c) By calling poets schoolchildren

d) He would agree with the historianAnswer: A

11. What, according to Sidney, is the end of all learning?

a) Death

b) A pure soul

c) Advanced degrees

d) Virtuous actionAnswer: D

12. According to Sidney, how would the historian defend his art?

a) History teaches us how to act, whereas philosophy is too abstract

b) History is the only record of the past

c) History defines virtue

d) He wouldn'tAnswer: A.

13. How does poetry compare to history and philosophy?

a) It mediates between the two and draws on the strengths of both

b) It has more in common with philosophy, as they share the same goal of teaching

c) It has more in common with history, as they discuss the same events

d) It has nothing to do with either

Answer: A

14. What are poetry's parts?

a) Lines of a poem

b) Stanzas

c) Different genres, i.e. lyric, heroic, etc.

d) The different parts of the population that value itAnswer: A

15. Why do "poet-haters" object to poetry?

a) They believe it is badly written

b) They believe it is sinful

c) Its moralistic messages

d) Its meter and rhymeAnswer: D

16. How does Sidney respond to the assertion that poetry is the "mother of lies?"

a) He rejects the female gendering of poetry

b) He states that it lies only as much as philosophy

c) He does not bother to defend it

d) He states that it is actually more truthful than other artsAnswer: D

17. How does Sidney make sense of Plato's expulsion of poets from his republic?

a) He believes that Plato misunderstood the definition of poetry

b) He states that Plato expelled many valiant people

c) He says that Plato objected to individual poets, but not the art of poetry

d) He states that Plato was narrow-mindedAnswer: c

18. How does Sidney gender poetry?

a) As beyond gender

b) As female

c) Male and female, depending on the context

d) As maleAnswer: B

19. Which contemporary thinker is Sidney responding to in the Defense?

a) Edmund Spenser

b) Stephen gossoon

c) John Pietro purgation

d) Edward wantonAnswer: B

20. According to Sidney, what is the function of rhyme?

a) To annoy the reader

b) To add beauty and to make poetry easy to memorize

c) To make connections between words and lines

d) To lull the reader into a state of calm

Answer: b) To add beauty and to make poetry easy to memorize

21.In connection with the first charge against poetry, Sidney says that poetry is the noblest kind of ______ because it teaches us virtue and it moves our minds to pursue virtuous action. a) Learning 

b) Reading

c) Studying 

d) Day dreamingAnswer: A

22. There are _________ serious charges against poetry?

a) Four

b) Six

c) Seventeen 

d) Thirty

Answer: A

23. Sidney asserts that there is no other ________  more fruitful in this world than poetry. a) Fun 

b) Knowledge

c) Enjoy

d) Work

 Answer: B

24.  However, some critics of poetry are _____ in their attack.

a) Nerves 

b) Good

c) Serious

d) Bad

Answer: c

25. Then there is the question of poetry’s telling lies. “Lies” is, of course, a very _____ word to be used here. a) Week 

b) Bad 

c) Large

d) Strong

 Answer: D

26. Third objection against poetry is _______.

a) Waste of time

b) Mother of lies

c) Ideal world

d) Nurse of abuseAnswer: D

27. The school of abuse written by_________.

a) Eliot

b) Dryden

c) Stephen Gossoon

d) Sidney

Answer: C

28.  According to Philip Sidney "poetry" consist of art of ______.

a) Imagination

b) Imitation

c) Expression

d) SublimityAnswer: B

29. In fourth objection, Sidney strongly defends poetry against______.

a) Commendation

b) Exculpation

c) Accusation

d) ImaginationAnswer: c

30. Plato gives high and rightly divine commendation to poetry in ________ a) Ion

b) Charge

c) Atoms

d) GoalsAnswers: A Group8

1 In Dr. Johnson received a pension from the state? 

(a) 1762  

(b) 1766 (c) 1770 (d) 1764 

Ans . A 

 2.who wrote the patriot ? 

(a) Milton  

(b) Thomas  

(c) Samuel Johnson  

(d) Dryden  

Ans . C 

 3.Johnson proposals for an edition of Shakespeare were put forward in ? 

(a) 1755 (b) 1756 (c) 1758 (d) 1760 

Ans . B 

4.Reseals about an imaginary Abyssinian prince appeared in? 

(a) 1759 

(b) 1776 (c) 1775 

(d) 1755 

Ans. A 

5.some of Johnson assays also appeared in the adventure edited by?  

(a) Hawkes worth  

(b) Thomas 

(c) Robert  

(d) Shakespeare  

Ans. D 

6.Samuel Johnson was born in.

    (A) 18,1709


(C)18,1680 (D)18,1804


7.Samuel Johnson left Oxford in December.

(A) 1804

(B) 1729

(C) 1753(D)1760


8.In which school he got early education.


(B)Eastside kindergarten

(C)Litchfield school



9.His death December in.

(A)14,1784 (B)13,1735 (C)13,1734 (D)13,1784


10.Dr,saumal Johnson start writing career in.

(A) 1736

(B) 1737

(C) 1738

(D) 1735


11.Johnson and Garrick left for London in.

A 1835

B 1734

C 1735

D 1737

Answer     D

12.He married a widow how was about his senior .

A 24year

B 2o year

C 25 year

D 21 year

Answer   B

13.Mrs. Porter brought to her husband Samuel Johnson.

A E 800

B E 500

C E 300

D E 700

Answer.      A

14.The married took place Derby in July.

A 1836

B 1733

C 1735

D 1737

Answer      c

15.Johnson discontinued the columns in.

A     1735

B.     1743

C 1746

D 1740

Answer     B

15.Johnson suffered paralytic stroke which deprived of his power to speech for same days in A       1783

B 1786

C 1784

D 1785

 Answer    A.

16.Samuel Johnson ‘s ……….is one of the two works of this great critic.

a)    Preface to Shakespeare b) Preface to Lyly

C) Preface to Hemingway d)Non of these

Answer. A

 17.The most representative as well as the most influential of these was….. a) Voltaire b) Addison’s 

 c) Lyly         d)Lyly Adison 

Answer. A

  18. It was  a  fashion  among………    century  critics  to  brand  Shakespeare   as  an  uncouth incorrect genius  and  even though  they  yielded  the  first  place. 

 A)  18th b) 19th

c)16th           d) 13th

Answer. A

19- the (England) nation which had seen ………should still continue to endure the extravagance of Shakespeare’s .          

     A)George yule b) Donne

c)         Addison’s Cato     d) Both A.b


 20.Johnson refused to accept … the face of experience

A )logic           b) irrational

 C)unlogical        d) invalid

Answer. A

21:who realizes that Shakespeare is indisputably the greatest poet.

(a) Philip

(b) Samuel Johnson

(c) Aristotle

(d) Plato

Ans: B

22 which of the following works has been authored by Dr. Johnson

(a) The vanity of human

(b) Trist ram shady wishes

(c) Tom jones

(d) The vicar of Wakefield


23:The age of Dr. Johnson is also known as.

(a) The age of Romanticism

(b) The age of transition

(c) The age of Victorianism

(d) Modern age

Ans: B

24:The poet who succeeded Dryden as laureate was.

(a) Propel

(b) Shadwell

(c) Dr. Johnson

(d) Fletcher


25:Dryden may be properly considered as the father of English criticism. Who stated this?

(a) Alexander pope

(b) De. Johnson

(c) Bolingbroke

(d) Jonson Ans:B

26)- The first phase in Johnson’s career as a writer extents upto_____. a) 1742

b) 1743

c) 1749

d) 1756


27)- Johnson's earliest writings are_____in nature. a) Identical

b) Miscellaneous

c) Different

d) None of these


28)- Johnson frequently ______ to the gentleman's magazine. a) Harm

b) provided

c) contributed

d) hurt


29)- Johnson's dictionary of English language appeared in _______. a) 1744

b) 1775

c) 1742

d) 1774


30)- Johnson's life of Savage appeared in ______. a) 1744

b) 1775

c) 1742

d) 1748



Johnson Admiration for Shakespeare as a dramatist.

1.Samuel Johnson was a poet ofA. Classical Age

B. Neo-Classical age

C. Middle English age

D Victorian age

Answer. : Neo-Classical age

2."preface to Shakespeare "was written by?

A. John Dryden

B. Alexander pope

C. Ben Johnson

D. Samuel Johnson

Answer : Samuel Johnson

3.Dr.Johnson balanced between excellences and fall of ?

A. Aristotle

B. John Dryden

C. Shakespeare

D. Wordsworth

Answer   Shakespeare

4.Johnson criticized Shakespeare as a or as an editor?

A. Biographer

B. Lexicographer

C. Dramatist

D. Essayist

C: Dramatist.Dr.Johnson wrote his "preface to Shakespeare "within-years



C.10 D.2

Answer . 9

6.In which century did Dr.Johnson live?





Answer .18

7.preface to Shakespeare "has pages?





Answer. 72

8.How many sections in "preface to Shakespeare "?






9 Shakespeare’s characters express___sentiments:A  Human

B Animal

C Bird

D None

Answer: A

10 His plays are:A  Adventurous

B  Unrealistic C  Realistic

D  All

Answer: C

11 From his plays we get ___ knowledge:A  Mathematical

B Physical

C Social

D Conceptual

Answer: B

12 Shakespeare deserves:A  Rewards

B Praise

C Money

D Some one’s help

Answer:  B

13  Who writes about Shakespeare that;  “he holds up reader as faithful mirror of life”.

A Johnson

B Christie

C Barbara

D Ernest Hemingway

Answer: A

14: Samuel Johnson was a great English  

(a) poet  

(b) writer

 © novelist 

(d) dramatist  

 Ans .A 

15 .How many photographs exist of William Shakespeare  (a) 2

 (b) 4  © 1

 (d) 0

Ans . a  

16what according Samuel Johnson are the admiring qualities of

 (a) words worth  

( b) Shakespeare

 © Dryden

 (d) Thomas

Ans . b 

17  Dr. Johnson goes to the deeper plan 

(a) drama

(b) novel 

© criticism

 (d) poetry  

Ans . C 

18  in term of characterizations johnson defined and praise 

(a) Dryden 

(b) Milton 

© Shakespeare

 (d) Tom Jones 

Ans . c

19 : Who gave this concept of three unities.

A Johnson

B Aristotle 

C ShakespeareD      Dryden


20 How many unities .



C 4



21 Who defend Shakespeare on the ground of unities .

A Ben Johnson

B Aristotle 

C Johnson

D Dryden


22 Shakespeare well minted the unity .

A unity of time 

B unity of action 

C unity of place D     None


23 In which unity Aristotle said tragedy should finished 24 hours.

A unity of time 

B unity of place 

C unity of action 



24  Who admires that Shakespeare does not mainly deal with love.

(a William Wordsworth

(b) John Don

(c) Johnson

(d) non of these


25 According to Shakespeare, "love is one of the many ?

(a) Passions

(b) Subjects

(c) Thoughts

(d) Views


26  In writings majority of the dramatists uses love as..

(a) Universal idea

(b) Universal agent

(c) Universal tho ught

(d) Universal reality


27  Shakespeare catches his clues from

(a) Books

(b) Newspapers

(c) Other writers

(d) World of day to day life

Ans D

28  According to Shakespeare, "love has no great influence upon the totality of..

(a) Society

(b) Literature

(c) Life

(d) World


29: Shakespeare Dialogue is Throughly:

A Unrealistic 

B Realistic

C Difficult 

D Meaningless

Answer B

30 Shakespeare dialogue seem to have been taken from :

A Others Work

B Common Conversation 

C A & B both 

D None 

Answer B

31 Johnsons Admiration for Shakespeare was not passionate but ______ too:

A Instinctive B Cultivated 

C Emotional 

D A & B both 

Answer A

32 Dr  Johnsons preface to Shakespeare is a : 

A Failure 

B Novel

C Landmark 

D None 

Answer C

33 Preface to Shakespeare was Written by:

A John Donne 

B Shakespeare 

C John Dryden 

D Dr Johnson Answer D


1. He carries his character indifferently through

a) Right to right

b) Wrong to wrong 

c) Right or wrong 

d) None of these 

Answer (c)

2. At the end, Shakespeare dismisses without 

a) Further attention

b) More attention 

c) More interested 

d) Heart touching 

Answer A

3. What are the second demerits of Shakespeare? 

a) Virtue sacrificed to convenience

b) Anachronism 

c) Coarseness of comic dialogues

d) Carelessness about development  

Answer (D

4. Shakespeare show no regard to distinction of_______ 

a) Time

b) Place 

c) Place to time 

d) Time to place

Answer (D

5.  Shakespeare’s plays also have faults of

a) Action 

b) Diction 

c) Dialogue 

d) Dialogue and diction 

Answer (D

6. William Shakespeare was born in,

a) 1545

b) 1567

c) 1564

d) 1575

Answer (c)

7. The language of William Shakespeare’s Characters is ,

a) Humorous

b) Natural

c) Funny 

d) Realistic

Answer (B

8. William Shakespeare was known as the Father of ,

a) English Drama

b) English Literature

c) English Poetry 

d) English Novel 

Answer (A

9. Dr. Johnson praises Shakespeare for his faithful depiction of ,

a) Culture

b) Urban Society

c) Human Nature

d) Woman’s Portrayal 

Answer (C

10. Shakespeare successfully presented life in its ,

a) Style

b) Satire

c) Common Language

d) Native Colors

Answer (D

11. Shakespeare greatness lies in the fact that he is the poet of ,

a) Satire 

b) Nature 

c) Tragedy 

d) Comedy

Answer (B

12. Who defends Shakespeare from his violation of three unities?

a) Plato 

b) Aristotle

c) Dr. Johnson

d) Christopher Marlowe 

Answer (C

13. Who is the true representative of Life in English Literature?

a) Shakespeare 

b) Christopher Marlowe

c) Thomas Hardy

d) Henry Fielding

Answer (A

14. William Shakespeare characters has ......... appeal,

a) Moral

b) Immoral 

c) Universal

d) Social 

Answer (C

15. Practical Axiom and....... is portrayed by the character of Shakespeare,

a) Wordy wisdom 

b) Domestic wisdom

c) Social wisdom

d) Financial

Answer (B

16. Which kind of theme is not over emphasized in the plays of Shakespeare?

a) Theme of love 

b) Theme of hate

c) Theme of beauty 

d) Theme of wisdom

Answer (A

17. Shakespeare never assign............role,

a) Positive role

b) Negative role

c) Excessive role

d) Over role

Answer (C

18. Shakespeare character belong to which kind of society,

a) Particular

b) Normal

c) Fake

d) Common

Answer (A

19. Literary Criticism There face to Shakespeare was published in 

a) 1765

b) 1768

c) 1779

d) 1869

Answer (A

20. William Shakespeare is the author of

a) Pride and prejudice

b) King Lear

c) Sound and music

d) Waiting for God to

Answer (B

21. What is the first play of William Shakespeare?

a) King Lear

b) Henry6

c) The Tempest

d) Hamlet

Answer (B

22. Shakespeare plays consist of

a) 1act

b) 3act

c) 4act 

d) 5act Answer (D

23. To be or not to be is a famous line from

a) Hamlet

b) Macbeth

c) King Lear

d) Othello

Answer (A

24. What Shakespeare thinks about is the.......elements in them?

a) Human

b) Pride and prejudice

c) The tempest

d) Hamlet

Answer (A

25. Shakespeare cuts short his own highest excellence  

In arousing tragic feelings by the spectacle Of 

 the fall great man ,or the misfortune  of a Incent character, or a disappointment in a) Love 

b) Hate

c) Enemy

d) Foe

Answer (A

26. The situation is amusing or tense, Shakespeare ---------------the opportunity of employing a pun a) Complies

b) Seizes

c) Small

d) Large

 Answer (B

27. In neglecting unities, Shakespeare violated a 

---------------which had been established and recognized Jointly by dramatic and criticize. a) Principle

b) Rule

c) Law 

d) theory 

Answer (C

28. There is a logical connection between incident   and

---------------------and the conclusions follows naturally. a) Play

b) story 

c) Drama

d) incident 

Answer (D

29. We can say after demerits discussions that -----------------criticism on Shakespeare and his

plays were not merely passionate but intuitive a) Johnson 

b) Aristotle

c) Plato

d) William 

Answer (A

30._____ was indeed congenial in Shakespeare's nature

A Satire 

B Comedy

C TragedyD  None

Answer B

                     The end

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