Tom Jones Mcq’s For BS/MA/MS/M Phil/Phd...
At the very beginning of the first book of the novel, what does the narrator describe himself as?
(a) A gambler (b) A puppeteer (c) A restaurateur (d) A gardener
What does Mrs. Deborah call unchaste women when she is monologuing on their indecency?
(a) unwanted trash (b) poor souls (c) wicked sluts (d) fallen angles
What is the gift that Allworthy says he has for Miss Bridget?
(a) A gown (b) A baby (c) A necklace (d) A husband
Jenny Jones has learned "understanding" while working as the servant of a____.
(a) Schoolteacher (b) Minister (c) Preacher (d) Nobleman
Allworthy wants to know who fathered Jenny’s child so that he can____?
(a) Blackmail him later (b) have him arrested
(c) duel him (d) Avoid doing him favors
How often does Allworthy visit young Tom in the nursery as he is growing up?
(a) Once a year (b) Once a month (c) Once a week (d) Every day
Miss Partridge picks her maidservants to ensure that are_____?
(a) Dumber than her (b) Hard-working
(c) The least attractive (d) Too timid to steal
What does Mrs. Partridge do to Jenny and Mr. Partridge when she believes they are flirting in Latin?
(a) Threatens them with a knife (b) Moves them to separate rooms
(c) Throws water on them (d) Tell both to leaves
How does Mrs. Partridge die?
(a) A falling church bell (b) Alcoholism (c) Suicide (d) Smallpox 10- how does Captain Blifil die?
(a) Shot by a rival (b) Apoplexy (c) Drowned (d) Cancer
11- Chief among teenage Tom’s faults is his passion for______?
(a) Women (b) Stealing (c) Alcohol (d) Danger
12- What does Square see virtue as?
(a) A matter of theory (b) A matter of duty
(c) A matter of faith (d)A matter of convenience
13- What does Blifil call Tom, which earns Blifil a bloody nose?
(a) A wild womanizer (b) A motherless devil
(c) A horse thief (d) A beggarly basted
14- Who are both Square and Thwackum interested in romantically?
(a) Mrs. Western (b) Jenny Jones (c) Bridge (d) Sophia
15- What does Tom do with all the money he gets from selling his horse?
(a) Gives it to Black George (b) Gambles (c) Pays Allworthy’s debts (d) Spend it to women
16- Squire’s wife has been dead for ______ years.
(a) Five (b) Six (c) Seven (d) Eight
17- Squire Allworthy returned from __________.
(a) France (b) London (c) USA (d) England
18- Squire’s housekeeper name was__________.
(a) Jenny (b) Mrs. Deborah (c) Bridget (d) None
19- Squire Allworthy lives with his sister___________.
(a) Jenny Jones (b) Sophia (c) Miss Bridget (d) Molly 20- Before condemned Jenny, they turn on the __________.
(a) Mrs. Western (b) Captain Blifil
(c) Master Blifil (d) Squire
21- To speak plainly, scholars were divided into _________ classes.
(a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five
22- Mr. Allworthy himself spoke to the Captain in his ________?
(a) Brother’s behalf (b) Friend’s behalf
(c) Sister’s behalf (d) None
23- Which of these does Partridge not lose?
(a) School (b) Life (c) Annuity (d) Wife 24- What happens to Captain Blifil?
(a) He has shoot (b) He has heart attack
(c) He falls from stairs (d) He drowns
25- What is Mr. Blifil’s response to the loss of her husband?
(a) She dies after grief (b) She marries another person
(c) She erects monument (d) None
26- Tom Jones is a model of sober _______ conduct.
(a) Hindus (b) Christian (c) Muslims (d) Roman
27- Who was the trusty tutor of Tom and Blifil?
(a) Thwackum (b) Black George (c) Squire (d) Sophia 28- Who was the daughter of Squire Western?
(a) Partridge (b) Sophia (c) Molly (d) Jenny
29- Who was dismissed by Allworthy?
(a) Blifil George (b) Captain Blifil (c) Tom (d) None
30- Who was involved in shooting incident?
(a) Blifil (b) Tom (c) George (d) Allworthy
31- Who appears on a sick bed?
(a) Blifil (b) Tom (c) George (d) Allworthy
32- A short of what we can do in subime and a description of
(a) Miss Sophia (b) Molly (c) Tom (d) squire
33- Sophia most like the picture of
(a) Blifil (b) Partridge (c) Lady Ranelagh (d) None
34- Who was charmed by the first opportunity?
(a) Molly (b) Sophia (c) Tom (d) Blifil
35- Who was much please with the beauty of girl?
(a) Mrs. Western (b) Sophia (c) Molly (d) Bridget
36- What was the condition of Allworthy when the novel opens?
(a) Wealthy (b) Ill (c) Poor (d) Noble
37- What is the name of Tom’s first love?
(a) Sophia (b) Molly (c) Lady (d) Jenny
38- Who is the gamekeeper of Allworthy?
(a) Black George (b) Blifil (c) Tom (d) None
39- Who was the teacher of Tom and Blifil?
(a) George (b) Allworthy (c) Thomas Square (d) None
40- The novel is divided into _____ books.
(a) 18 (b) 6 (c) 19 (d) 15
41- When Sophia’s ________ prevents her from playing the piano properly, Squire Western throws it into the fire.
(a) Ring (b) Muff (c) Glove (c) Cat
42- Who appears to be dead after the fight between Tom, Blifil, Thwackum and Squire Western?
(a) Tom (b) Blifil (c) Squire (d) Thwackum
43- Who came hastily into the room and said there was an attorney from Salisbury? (a) Footman (b) Blifil (c) Tom (d) Sophia
44- How does Blifil mother die?
(a) Murder (b) Gout (c) Heart attack (d) None
45- What does Tom do when he learns that Allworthy is not going to die?
(a) Write Poem (b) Sings (c) Gets drunk (d) All
46- Who is having an affair with Molly when Tom is trying to disentangle himself from her?
(a) Square (b) Blifil (c) Thwackum (d) Mr. Western
47- Mr. Blifil visited Mr. Jones seldom but ________.
(a) With Friend (b) With Brother (c) Alone (d) None
48- When the good man had ended his speech, who was the last person who deserted the room?
(a) Mr. Jones (b) Mr. Blifil (c) Mr. Allworthy (d) Sophia
49- Mr. Western was become so fond of _______ that he was unwilling to part with him?
(a) Mr. Blifil (b) Mr. Jones (c) Both (d) None
50- Jones was incapable of _________ the pleasures of being with his Sophia.
(a) Refusing (b) Excepting (c) Ignoring (d) None
51- Mrs. Western as the _________of Squire Western?
(a) Aunty (b) Sister (c) Daughter (d) Mother
52- Squire Western thought the Sophia was in love with?
(a) Blifil (b) Tom (c) Squire (d) Partridge
53- Mr. Allworthy wrote to Mr. Western a?
(a) Application (b) Letter (c) Book (d) Poem
54- Squire Western proposed to Squire Allworthy for Sophia and Blifil’s_______
(a) Engagement (b) Marriage (c) Both (d) None
55- Blifil arrived to Mr. Western’s house in the.
(a) Morning (b) Evening (c) Night (d) Afternoon
56- Mr. Allworthy turned Jones out of his house paying him____
(a) 10 Ryals (b) £ 500 (c) 20 Ponds (d) None
57- After leaving Mr. Allworthy house Jone reached a ______
(a) Stream (b) Lake (c) Broke (d) River
58- Who found Tom Jones bank notes lying by the side of brook
(a) Partridge (b) B George (c) Allworthy (d) None
59- Black George and Tom Jones went to____?
(a) City (b) Hotel (c) Bank (d) Village
60- Sophia sent how much money to Tom?
(a) 17 Ponds (b) 16 Gineas (c) 20 ryals (d) £ 20
61- Who obliged to wash the kitchen?
(a) Susan (b) Mrs. Behn (c) Sophia (d) Mrs. Water’s 62- Who went directly to Mrs. Water’s chamber?
(a) Mr. Jones (b) Mr. Blifil (c) Sophia (d) None
63- The spirit of ______ were too much dissipated.
(a) Allworthy (b) Tom Jones (c) Sophia (d) None
64- The behavior of _______ thoughts, looks and actions were such as begger all description.
(a) Allworthy (b) Western (c) Blifil (d) Tom Jones 65- Mr. Western and his _________ were not known one another.
(a) Student (b) Nephew (c) Both (d) none
66- What is a relation between Sophia and Harriet?
(a) Sisters (b) Cousins (c) Neighbors (c) Friends 67- Harriet was _________ of Fitzpatrick?
(a) Sister (b) Wife (c) Mother (d) Cousin
68- Fitzpatrick confined Harriet for?
(a) Fifteen days (b) Seven days (c) Nine days (d) None
69- How many money Sophia lost?
(a) 300 pound (b)100 pounds (c) 700 pounds (d) 50 pounds
70- Sophia decided to meet?
(a) Harriet (b) Tom (c) Lady Bellaston (d) Molly
71- Who retired from the company?
(a) Jones (b) Allworthy (c) Blifil (d) Caption 72- The rest of company now come up to_____.
(a) Tom (b) Squire (c) Mr. Western (d) Blifil 73- Who was rubbing Blifil’s tamples.
(a) Jones (b) Western (c) Molly (d) Sophia
74- Who had naturally violent animal spirit?
(a) Blifil (b) Jones (c) Sophia (d) Allworthy
75- Who scornfully rejected his hand?
(a) Blifil (b) Tom (c) Squire (d) Sophia
76- Thy Swift Thy Marivaux, fill my pages with________
(a) Trust (b) Humor (c) Comedy (d) None
77- From that figure, therefore, which the lrish poer who brought to the town?
(a) Sophia (b) Molly (c) Tom (d) Blifil
78- Jones instantly agreed, and was forthwith conducting to the loading of Mrs._______ by the very fellow.
(a) Sophia (b) Fitzpatrick (c) Gamester (d) None
79- Jones very shrewdly suspected that Sophia herself was now with her.
(a) Friend (b) Cousin (c) Neighbor (d) None
80- Sophia liked the ___________
(a) Blifil (b) Broughton (c) Squire (d) Tom Jones
81. Mrs. Western was a tactful bargainer and she wanted Sophia married to.......................
(a) Blifil (b) Tom (c) William (d) none
82. Mrs. Honour was, who helped Sophia to run away from home.........................
(a)The maid of Western family (b) doctor of Sophia
(c) sister of Allworthy (d) sister of Squire
83. Tom and Sophia were unknowingly at the same place..........................
(a)London (b) Bristol (c) St. Albans (d) Epton Inn
84. An army officer who makes some jests on Sophia’s expense;
(a) Ensign Northerton (b) Blifil (c) Lord Fellamar (d) none
85. Tom helps a woman at Epton ;
(a) Mrs. Waters (b) Mrs. Miller (c) Susan (d) Mrs. Honour
86. Sophia needed ...........................consideration to refuse the proposal of Blifil.
(a) A lot (b) very little (c) fairly large (d) no
87. Mrs. Western was so enraged by Sophia’s refusal that she decided to ;
(a) Leave the house (b) not to speak to Sophia again (c) both (d) none
88. Blifil told Sophia’s father that Sophia ;
(a) Loved him (b) hated him (c) liked him (d) none
89. An army officer jokingly remarked before Tom that Sophia was the name of a
(a) Prostitute (b) maid (c) queen (d) none
90. The officer’s name who threw bottle at Tom was,
(a) Mr. Notherton (b) Mr. western (c) Mr. Jones (d) none
91. Jones said to the surgeon, “You have used me rascally and I will not pay you a
(a)Farthing (b) shilling (c) penny d) pound
92. Jones ’barber frequently spoke............................
(a)French (b) Latin (c) Spanish d) all
93. Jones’ friend who could speak Latin was called............................
(a)Little Benjamin (b) Benjamin c) Kirby d) little Kirby
94. Jones’ Partridge friend was afraid of................................
(a)Soldiers b) jail c) animals (d) ghosts
95. Little Benjamin’s friend, Sir George, spent his money on...........................
(a)Horses b) prostitutes (c) both d) none
96. Who dressed Tom’s wound?
(a)The barber (b) the cobbler (c) both (d)none
97. The barber turned out to be Tom’s
(a)Father (b) brother (c) bitter enemy (d) none
98. Partridge wanted is annual allowance from be continued again.
(a) Squire Allworthy (b) Mr. Western (c) Tom Jones (d) none
99. Jones regarded the favor he did to the Man of the Hill as ; (a)Human duty (b) friendship debt (c) his pleasure (d) all
101. What was the favor Tom did to the Man of the Hills?
(a) Saving him from the ruffians (b paying him half a crown
(c) both (d) none
101- When Mr. Jones was walking with mounted mazzardhill, he met with a gentleman, who was his-----------------
a)Old friend b) Brother C) Uncle d) Stranger
102- At hill Mr. Jones heard the most violent screams of a ----------------
a)Baby b) Woman c) Old man d) Animal
103 –Mr. Jones beheld a most shocking sight indeed a____________
a) Injured man b) Inured animal
`c) Half naked women d) none of these
104- Ensign Northerton was a --------------------------of Mr. Jones.
a) Former friend b) Former Antagonist
c) Brother d) None of these
105- Tom and half naked poor women were walking towards the ----------------- a) Town Upton b) Bristol c) St. Albans d) Town Salisbury
106- The commanding officer of soldier’s company was ------------------
a) Mrs. Waters b) Mrs. Honour
c) Mrs. Miller d) Mrs. Harriet Fitzpatrick
107- Mrs. Waters has fallen in ---------------with Tom Jones.
a) Hate b) Love c) Friendship d) None of these
108- Tom’s fight with Northerton was end in ---------------
a) An Hour b) A moment c) A Day d) Half day
109- Mr. Jones forgets to bind Northerton’s ------------------
a) Hands b) Feet c) One hand d) None of these
110- Mr. Jones offered to poor half naked women his --------------------
a) Cap b) Shoes c) Coat d) Both a and c
111- Lady Bellaston visited to Jones in a:
a) Park
b) Shopping Mall
c) Room
d) Restaurant
112-Who told that Nancy was pregnant:
a) Mrs. Miller
b) Jones
c) Partridge
d) Mr. Allworthy
113-Jones conducted the visit with his uncle that his nephew was at the house of: a) Partridge
b) Nancy
c) Bellaston
d) Mrs. Miller
114-Squire western does not like Tom because of his:
a) Personality
b) Father
c) Poverty
d) Mother
115-Who was Young Nobleman:
a) Allworthy
b) Jones
c) Nightingate
d) Lord Fellamer
116-Mr. Bilfil says that Jones was- - - - on earth:
a) Ghost
b) Animal
c) Villain
d) Angel
117-Lord Fellamer visited to Sophia in the:
a) Morning
b) Evening
c) Afternoon
d) All dinner Time
118-Lord Fellamer fascinated by the beauty of:
a) Sophia
b) Lady Bellaston
c) Mrs. Miller
d) Angelina
119-Mr. Nightingatemarried to:
a) Ms. Nancy
b) Sophia
c) Lady Bellaston
d) Ms. Fitzpartrick
120-Jones decided to send a letter to Sophia through:
a) Black George
b) Lord Fellamer
c) Blifil
d) Nancy
121-Mrs. Western become Furious when Sophia - - - - to marriage with Blifil:
a) Agreed
b) Refused
c) Give no answer
d) Departure the place
122-Sophia Found a letter from his:
a) Bag
b) Door
c) Plate
d) Belly
123-In literal term express great - - - - for Sophia:
a) Lent
b) Love
c) Anger
d) Consideration
124- Who took Sophia to own:
a) Her Aunt
b) Her Uncle
c) Tom Jones
d) Her Father
125- Fielding makes comment on the entertainment of the:
a) 17th Century
b) 18th century
c) 19th century
d) 20th century
126- Who defend Jones:
a) Sophia
b) Allworthy
c) Bliful
d) Mr. Miller
127-Mr. Blifil says that Jones was - - - - on earth:
a) Ghost
b) Animal
c) Villain
d) Angel
128- The gentleman and lady lived as - - - - at bath:
a) Brother and sister
b) Friends
c) Husband and wife
d) Cousins
129- Who put into Prison:
a) Tom Jones
b) Sophia
c) Bliful
d) Allworthy
130- Ms. Waters was the real - - - - of Jones:
a) Sister
b) Mother
c) Cousin
d) Wife
131-Allworthy received a letter from:
a) Jones
b) Bliful
c) Partridge
d) Square
132- Who says that Jones was innocent:
a) Sophia
b) Bliful
c) Square
d) Partridge
133- Ms. Water was married to:
a) Tom Jones
b) Allworthy
c) Partridge
d) Supple
134-Who was the real father of Tom Jones:
a) Partridge
b) Summer
c) Allworthy
d) None of all
135- How many letters sends Lady Bellaston to Tom?
(a) Two (b) One (c) Three (d) Four
136- Tom is invited to ________ with Mrs. Miller.
(a) Tea (b) Dinner (c) Lunch (d) Breakfast
137- Who have dreadful news about Sophia?
(a) Tom (b) Nightingale (c) Mrs. Honour (d) Mrs. Waters 138- Mrs. Deborah is introduced into Parish with___________? (a) Anger (b) Happiness (c) Sadness (d) Smile 139- The behavior of Mrs. Bridget greatly surprised__________.
(a) Mr. Blifil (b) Mrs. Deborah (c) Tom (d) Sophia
140- A wise ________ who used to say “ when children doing nothing, they are doing mischief”.
(a) Gentleman (b) Old Gentleman
(c) Young gentleman (d) None
141- ___________ in a very short time completed her conquest. (a) Lady Bellaston (b) Sophia (c) Bridget (d) Molly
142- ___________ was the title of young nobleman.
(a) Lord Fellamar (b) Squire (c) Tom (d) Blifil
143- A willful mistake in ___________ for she well knew whom Mr. Western meant.
(a) Sophia (b) Lady Bellaston (c) Molly (d) Bridget 144- All the quarrel the Squire hath to me is for against _________.
(a) Squire (b) Mrs. Western (c) Blifil (d) Tom
145- Where does Black George hide the letter that he passes from Tom to Sophia?
(a) In a pullets belly (b) Inside a Vialin
(c) In his Hat (d) Down his Sock
146- Who does the narrator compare to Thalestis, the Amazonian champion of women?
(a) Molly (b) Sophia (c) Mrs. Western (d) Bridget
147- What Shakespearean play do Tom, Mrs. Miller, Betsy and Partridge attend?
(a) Hamlet (b) Romeo and Juliet
(c) Tempest (d) The Merchant of Venice 148- Who pays Captain Egglane to force Tom onto a ship?
(a) Western (b) Fellamar (c) Blifil (d) Squire
149- Who suggest to Tom that he should try to get access to Sophia by flisting with Mrs. Western?
(a) Mrs. Fitzpatrick (b) Molly (c) Partridge (d) Nightingale 150- Who had brought happy character to the highest pitch of human misery?
(a) Comic writer (b) Tragic writer (c) Artist (d) None 151- Who entered when Mrs. Miller had not long left the room?
(a) Mrs. Western (b) Molly (c) Sophia (d) Bridget
152- Who brought an account that ___________ was still alive, though the surgeon declared that he had very little hopes?
(a) Tom Jones (b) Partridge (c) Sophia (d) Blifil
153- How many time Sophia read the letter with great attention?
(a) Once (b) Two Times (c) Five Times (d) None
154- Who had a long discourse with Allworthy at his return from dinner?
(a) Sophia (b) Bridget (c) Molly (d) Mrs. Miller 155- Which type of man and women were not found in conclusion?
(a) Poor (b) Worthier (c) Rich (d) None
156- How many children Sophia had already produced him?
(a) Two (b) Three (c) Five (d) Ten
157- Who hath purchased an estate for his son in the neighborhood of Jones?
(a) Partridge (b) Mr. Nightingale (c) Molly (d) None 158- Blifil was at first sullen and ___________.
(a) Happy (b) Silent (c) Angry (d) Dead
159- Who does Partridge become engaged to?
(a) Nancy Miller (b) Molly Seagrim
(c) Honour (d) Mrs. Waters